Plastics / Alfa Chemistry

PVDF Films

PVDF Films
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PVDF Films

Product Description

Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) is a semi-crystalline thermoplastic polymer. PVDF films are thin sections made from this polymer. PVDF films exhibit a range of desirable properties, including high mechanical strength, excellent chemical resistance and low friction coefficient. They can be widely used as piezoelectric films, medical bags, sealing materials, corrosion resistant materials, wear resistant materials, chemical resistant tank linings, electronic and electrical components, motor or instrument parts, etc.

With years of experience in the industry, Alfa Chemistry has become a leading supplier of PVDF films. Whether you are a researcher, an engineer or a manufacturer, we are your trusted partner. Our team of experts has a wealth of expertise to ensure you get the highest standard of products. If you do not find the PVDF film you want, we can also provide you with customized processing services according to your needs.

PVDF Films
  • Color: Semi-clear white
  • Tensile Strength Rating: Good
  • Impact Strength Rating: Poor
  • Plastic Hardness Rating: Hard
  • UV Tolerant: Yes

Product Specifications


Size: 12" x 24"

Size: 24" x 24"

CatalogProductThicknessThickness Tolerance
PL-PVDF-A026PVDF Film (0.003" Thick, 12" x 24")0.003"-0.0003" to 0.0003"
PL-PVDF-A027PVDF Film (0.005" Thick, 12" x 24")0.005"-0.0005" to 0.0005"
PL-PVDF-A028PVDF Film (0.01" Thick, 12" x 24")0.01"-0.001" to 0.001"
PL-PVDF-A029PVDF Film (0.015" Thick, 12" x 24")0.015"-0.0015" to 0.0015"
PL-PVDF-A030PVDF Film (0.02" Thick, 12" x 24")0.02"-0.002" to 0.002"
CatalogProductThicknessThickness Tolerance
PL-PVDF-A031PVDF Film (0.003" Thick, 24" x 24")0.003"-0.0003" to 0.0003"
PL-PVDF-A032PVDF Film (0.005" Thick, 24" x 24")0.005"-0.0005" to 0.0005"
PL-PVDF-A033PVDF Film (0.01" Thick, 24" x 24")0.01"-0.001" to 0.001"
PL-PVDF-A034PVDF Film (0.015" Thick, 24" x 24")0.015"-0.0015" to 0.0015"
PL-PVDF-A035PVDF Film (0.02" Thick, 23" x 24")0.02"-0.002" to 0.002"


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