Plastics / Alfa Chemistry

PFA Films

PFA Films
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PFA Films

Product Description

Perfluoroalkoxy (PFA) films are manufactured by a process called extrusion or by melt processing techniques. The PFA resin is heated and extruded into a film form, which is then further processed into various sizes and thicknesses. The operating temperature range of PFA films is from − 254 °C (− 425 °F) to 260 °C (500 °F), which enables them to maintain their properties over a wide temperature range. In addition, PFA films have excellent weather resistance, chemical resistance and electrical insulation properties, making them valuable in a variety of industries such as chemical processing, electrical and electronics, automotive and medical.

With years of experience in the industry, Alfa Chemistry has become a leading supplier of PFA films. Whether you are a researcher, an engineer or a manufacturer, we are your trusted partner. Our team of experts has a wealth of expertise to ensure you get the highest standard of products. If you do not find the PFA films you want, we can also provide you with customized processing services according to your needs.

PFA Films
  • Color: Clear
  • Plastic Hardness Rating: Medium
  • UV Tolerant: Yes

Product Specifications


Size: 12" x 24"

Size: 24" x 24"

CatalogProductThicknessThickness Tolerance
PL-PFA-A007PFA Film (0.001" Thick, 12" x 24")0.001"-0.0001" to 0.0001"
PL-PFA-A008PFA Film (0.002" Thick, 12" x 24")0.002"-0.0002" to 0.0002"
PL-PFA-A009PFA Film (0.003" Thick, 12" x 24")0.003"-0.0003" to 0.0003"
PL-PFA-A010PFA Film (0.005" Thick, 12" x 24")0.005"-0.0004" to 0.0004"
CatalogProductThicknessThickness Tolerance
PL-PFA-A011PFA Film (0.001" Thick, 24" x 24")0.001"-0.0001" to 0.0001"
PL-PFA-A012PFA Film (0.002" Thick, 24" x 24")0.002"-0.0002" to 0.0002"
PL-PFA-A013PFA Film (0.003" Thick, 24" x 24")0.003"-0.0003" to 0.0003"
PL-PFA-A014PFA Film (0.005" Thick, 24" x 24")0.005"-0.0004" to 0.0004"


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