Plastics / Alfa Chemistry

PFA Granules & Powders

PFA Granules & Powders
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PFA Granules & Powders

Product Description

Perfluoroalkoxy (PFA) granules and powders are solid forms of PFA polymer that serve as the raw materials for various manufacturing processes. They are commonly used in the chemical processing industry to produce linings for tanks, pipes, valves and gaskets. They are also used in the electrical and electronics industry to make wire insulation, cable jackets and semiconductor components.

Alfa Chemistry is committed to providing customers with PFA granules and powders with excellent performance. Our products are available in a variety of sizes for you to choose from. If you do not find what you want, we can also provide you with customized processing services according to your needs.

PFA Granules and Powders
  • Features: Excellent thermal stability, chemical resistance, low friction, nonadherence, electrical insulation, high temperature resistance, etc.
  • Industries: Chemical processing, electrical and electronics, automotive, medical equipment, food industry, metallurgical industry, etc.

Product Specifications


CatalogProductNominal Granule Size
PL-PFA-A015PFA Granule (3 mm granule size)3 mm


CatalogProductParticle Size
PL-PFA-A016PFA Powder (1-2 µm)1-2 µm
PL-PFA-A017PFA Powder (5 µm)5 µm
PL-PFA-A018PFA Powder (10 µm)10 µm
PL-PFA-A019PFA Powder (200-300 nm)200-300 nm


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