Plastics / Alfa Chemistry

HDPE Granules & Powders

HDPE Granules & Powders
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HDPE Granules & Powders

Product Description

High-density polyethylene (HDPE) can be found in various forms, including granules and powders. They serve as the backbone of the plastics industry, enabling the production of a wide range of products with exceptional properties. The versatility, durability and chemical resistance of HDPE granules and powders make them the first choice for raw materials in many industries.

Alfa Chemistry is committed to providing customers with high quality scientific research-grade HDPE granules and powders. Our products are available in a variety of sizes for you to choose from. If you do not find what you want, we can also provide you with customized processing services according to your needs.

HDPE Granules and Powders
  • Industries: Packaging, automotive, construction, consumer goods, etc.
  • Storage Conditions: Airtight sealed, avoid light and keep dry at room temperature.

Product Specifications


CatalogProductNominal Granule Size
PL-HDPE-A071HDPE Granule (3-5 mm granule size)3-5 mm


CatalogProductParticle Size
PL-HDPE-A072HDPE Powder (150 µm)150 µm
PL-HDPE-A073HDPE Powder (400 µm)400 µm


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Please kindly note that our products and services are for research use only.