Plastics / Alfa Chemistry

ABS Films

ABS Films
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ABS Films

Product Description

Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) films are a class of plastic films made from ABS, and they are common amorphous thermoplastic materials. These film sheets are thin and flexible enough to accommodate large radius bends. They also have good impact resistance, so they can avoid surface damage caused by impact.

Are you searching for the perfect ABS film to meet your specific needs? Alfa Chemistry is your best choice. We have the ability to provide customers with high quality ABS film products. If you do not find what you want, we can also provide you with product customization services according to your needs.

ABS Films
  • Color: Semi-clear beige
  • Temperature Range: 40° to 140° F
  • Applications: Business equipment, medical devices, permanent displays, houseware items, computer housings, boat accessories, machine guards, etc.

Product Specifications


CatalogProductThicknessThickness ToleranceSize
PL-ABS-A015ABS Film (0.003" Thick)0.003"-0.0003" to 0.0003"12" × 12"
PL-ABS-A016ABS Film (0.005" Thick)0.005"-0.0005" to 0.0005"12" × 12"
PL-ABS-A017ABS Film (0.01" Thick)0.01"-0.001" to 0.001"12" × 12"
PL-ABS-A018ABS Film (0.02" Thick)0.02"-0.002" to 0.002"12" × 12"


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