Plastic materials have become an integral part of modern life and are used in a wide range of industries thanks to their versatility, durability and cost-effectiveness. However, like any material, plastics are not immune to failure. Plastic failure analysis is an important discipline that seeks to determine the mode and cause of failure, enabling engineers and researchers to take timely remedial action to minimize the risk of further failure.
Evaluating how the part failed and why it failed, requires a scientific approach and extensive knowledge of polymeric materials. With the support of an experienced team of experts in materials science, engineering, and analytical technology, Alfa Chemistry is committed to providing professional plastic failure analysis services to help industries improve product reliability, optimize manufacturing processes, and ensure regulatory compliance.
There are many reasons for the failure of plastic parts, but the main reasons are as follows.
Exposure to extreme temperatures, ultraviolet radiation, chemicals and moisture can cause degradation of plastic materials. Once the polymer chain breaks, the product will quickly crack and fracture.
Inadequate processing conditions during manufacturing, such as improper cooling rates, poor mold design or insufficient material blending, can lead to defects such as voids, warpage and inconsistencies in the material structure, thereby weakening the final product.
Product design is fundamental to ensuring the long-term durability of plastic components. Incorrect design will highlight the weaknesses of polymer materials to long-term loads, chemical environments, high-speed loads, and fatigue loads, which can lead to brittle failure of the product over a short service life. In addition, incorrect material selection for a particular application can lead to material failure due to incompatible properties.
In order to determine the cause of plastic failure, Alfa Chemistry's experts will carry out the following four steps for analysis.
Step 1: Inspect and document the part
Perform a thorough visual inspection of failed plastic parts, looking for any visible signs of damage, cracks, deformation, or abnormal wear. If necessary, high-resolution photography and microscopy can be used for inspection. Document all observations and findings through writing or photographs.
Step 2: Determine the failure mode
Plastic components can fail through many different modes, such as brittle fracture, ductile overload, creep rupture, environmental stress cracking, molecular degradation, and fatigue. Determination of failure modes typically involves the use of optical or scanning electron microscopy to examine fractured surfaces in the failed component.
Step 3: Discover the root cause of failure
After the failure mode is determined, subsequent tests will be performed to determine the root cause of the part failing in this manner. It should be noted that in many cases, a single cause cannot be determined because multiple comprehensive factors may have contributed to the failure.
Step 4: Complete a detailed failure report
Finally, prepare a comprehensive failure analysis report and provide recommendations to solve the identified issues and prevent future failures.
Our plastic failure analysis techniques include, but are not limited to the following:
Alfa Chemistry's technical team consists of experienced specialists with a deep understanding of plastic failure analysis.
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