Plastics / Alfa Chemistry

PP Granules & Powders

PP Granules & Powders
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PP Granules & Powders

Product Description

Polypropylene (PP) granules and powders are versatile thermoplastic materials. They not only have properties such as high strength, excellent chemical resistance and outstanding thermal stability, but also have the advantages of light weight, durability and easy processing.

Alfa Chemistry is committed to providing customers with PP granules and powders with excellent performance. Our products are available in a variety of sizes for you to choose from. If you do not find what you want, we can also provide you with customized processing services according to your needs.

PP Granules and Powders
  • Industries: Packaging, automotive, electrical, medical, construction, etc.
  • Storage Conditions: Airtight sealed, avoid light and keep dry at room temperature.

Product Specifications


CatalogProductNominal Granule Size
PL-PP-A037PP Granule (3 mm granule size)3 mm
PL-PP-A038PP Granule (4 mm granule size)5 mm


CatalogProductParticle Size
PL-PP-A039PP Powder (20 mesh)20 mesh
PL-PP-A040PP Powder (30 mesh)30 mesh
PL-PP-A041PP Powder (100 mesh)100 mesh
PL-PP-A042PP Powder (300 mesh)300 mesh
PL-PP-A043PP Powder (1000 mesh)1000 mesh
PL-PP-A044PP Powder (2000 mesh)2000 mesh
PL-PP-A045PP Powder (500 nm)500 nm


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Please kindly note that our products and services are for research use only.