Plastics / Alfa Chemistry

CPVC Tubes

CPVC Tubes
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CPVC Tubes

Product Description

Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) is a plastic produced by chlorination of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) resin. It belongs to the same thermoplastic family as PVC. CPVC has most of the characteristics of PVC. However, it is much more flexible than PVC and can also withstand much higher temperatures. Currently, the most commonly used CPVC products are CPVC tubes. These tubes have been widely used in chlor-alkali, mineral mining and development, chemical processing, and wastewater treatment industries.

Are you searching for the perfect CPVC tube to meet your specific needs? Alfa Chemistry is your best choice. We have the ability to provide customers with high quality CPVC tube products. If you do not find what you want, we can also provide you with product customization services according to your needs.

CPVC Tubes
  • Color: Gray
  • Features: Chemical resistance, temperature resistance, pressure resistance and fire resistance.
  • Applications: Chemical synthesis and transmission, agricultural irrigation, drainage and ventilation tubes, etc.

Product Specifications


CatalogProductOutside DiameterInside DiameterWall ThicknessLength
PL-PVC-A165CPVC Tube (1.625" OD, 0.562" ID)1.625"0.562"0.5315"5 ft, 10 ft
PL-PVC-A166CPVC Tube (2.125" OD, 0.750" ID)2.125"0.750"0.6875"5 ft, 10 ft
PL-PVC-A167CPVC Tube (2.250" OD, 1.125" ID)2.250"1.125"0.5625"5 ft, 10 ft
PL-PVC-A168CPVC Tube (2.375" OD, 1.000" ID)2.375"1.000"0.6875"5 ft, 10 ft
PL-PVC-A169CPVC Tube (2.625" OD, 1.500" ID)2.625"1.500"0.5625"5 ft, 10 ft
PL-PVC-A170CPVC Tube (2.750" OD, 1.000" ID)2.750"1.000"0.875"5 ft, 10 ft
PL-PVC-A171CPVC Tube (2.875" OD, 1.500" ID)2.875"1.500"0.6875"5 ft, 10 ft
PL-PVC-A172CPVC Tube (3.000" OD, 1.250" ID)3.000"1.250"0.875"5 ft, 10 ft
PL-PVC-A173CPVC Tube (3.565" OD, 1.500" ID)3.565"1.500"1.0325"5 ft, 10 ft
PL-PVC-A174CPVC Tube (4.000" OD, 2.500" ID)4.000"2.500"0.75"5 ft, 10 ft
PL-PVC-A175CPVC Tube (4.250" OD, 1.750" ID)4.250"1.750"1.25"5 ft, 10 ft
PL-PVC-A176CPVC Tube (4.750" OD, 3.000" ID)4.750"3.000"0.875"5 ft, 10 ft
PL-PVC-A177CPVC Tube (5.000" OD, 3.000" ID)5.000"3.000"1.000"5 ft, 10 ft
PL-PVC-A178CPVC Tube (6.625" OD, 2.875" ID)6.625"2.875"1.875"5 ft, 10 ft
PL-PVC-A179CPVC Tube (6.625" OD, 4.000" ID)6.625"4.000"1.3125"5 ft, 10 ft


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