Plastics / Alfa Chemistry

Plastic Testing

Plastic Testing
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Plastic Testing

Plastic Testing

The versatility, light weight and durability of plastics have made them indispensable materials for a wide range of industries. However, rigorous testing is necessary to ensure the safety and high performance of plastics. Plastic testing ensures that products made of plastic are not harmful to human health or the environment, which is particularly important in industries such as healthcare. In addition, finding defects and potential problems through testing can avoid costly product recalls, warranty claims and production setbacks, and ultimately save costs for the company.

Alfa Chemistry is dedicated to providing a full range of testing services for plastic materials in a variety of industries, including automotive, electronics, medical, aerospace, construction, consumer products and more. Our services ensure that the plastics selected have the performance and characteristics to meet the necessary specifications for a particular product or component. If you have any questions, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.

Our Service Scope

Understanding the properties of plastics can help you better predict manufacturing results. Our plastic testing services are mainly as follows:

  • Tensile Testing

Tensile testing is a basic mechanical measurement used to detect how a plastic material resists loaded tensile forces until it fractures. Tensile testing enables our customers to evaluate the quality and safety of plastic materials.

Our testing standards include, but are not limited to:

Tensile Testing

  • ISO 527-2:2012 Tensile Properties of Plastics
  • ASTM D638 Tensile Properties of Plastics
  • ASTM D882 Tensile Testing of Thin Film & Sheet Plastics
  • ASTM D1708 Tensile Testing for Plastics and Microtensile Specimens
  • ASTM D5083 Tensile Test of Reinforced Thermosetting
  • Tear Testing

Tear testing is a mechanical testing procedure used to measure the tear resistance of a material. The test is usually performed on plastics.

Our testing standards include, but are not limited to:

  • ASTM D1004 Tear Resistance of Plastic Film and Sheeting
  • ASTM D1938 Trouser Tear of Plastic Film and Sheet
  • ASTM D1922 Propagation Tear Resistance of Plastic Film and Thin Sheeting by Pendulum Method
  • ISO 6383-1 Tear Resistance Plastic Film and Sheeting
  • Shear Testing

Shear testing, also known as shear strength testing, is a type of mechanical testing used to determine the shear properties of a material. This test is important for film and sheet products that are susceptible to shear loads.

Our testing standards include, but are not limited to:

  • ASTM D732 Shear Strength of Plastics by Punch Tool
  • ASTM D3846 In-Plane Shear Strength of Reinforced Plastics
  • Flexural Testing

Flexural testing measures the force required to bend a beam of plastic material and determines the flexural resistance or stiffness of the material. This test can be accomplished by either three-point bending or four-point bending.

Our testing standards include, but are not limited to:

Manufacturing defects

  • ISO 178 Plastics - Determination of Flexural Properties
  • ASTM D790 Flexural Properties Testing of Unreinforced and Reinforced Plastics
  • ASTM D6272 Flexural Properties of Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials
  • ASTM D 4476 Flexural Properties of Fiber-Reinforced Pultruded Plastic Rods
  • Compression Testing

Compression testing determines the behavior or response of a material under crushing loads and measures the plastic flow behavior and ductile fracture limit of a material. Compression testing of plastic materials is commonly used to determine the modulus of elasticity, yield stress and compressive strength.

Our testing standards include, but are not limited to:

Compression Testing

  • ASTM D695 Compressive Properties of Rigid Plastics
  • ASTM D695M Compressive Properties of Rigid Plastics (Metric)
  • ISO 604 Compressive Properties of Plastics

Our Advantages


Alfa Chemistry's testing team consists of several technical experts who are very experienced in plastic analysis and processing.


Alfa Chemistry has always been customer-centered. Clear communication, efficient collaboration and sincere service contribute to a partnership characterized by trust.


In the business world, maintaining confidentiality is necessary to comply with ethical and legal regulations. We will keep the customer-entrusted project confidential and can sign confidentiality agreements if necessary.

Please kindly note that our products and services are for research use only.