Organofluorine / Alfa Chemistry
Analysis of PFAS in Environment

Analysis of PFAS in Environment

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Analysis of PFAS in Environment

Analysis of PFAS in Environment

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are the largest class of organofluorine compounds known to exist in the environment. The PFAS could be toxic to plants and animals including humans. For examples, PFAS increase the risk of diseases of the reproductive and endocrine systems, and may even induce cancer and other diseases in humans and animals. Thus, the determination of PFAS is essential for contemporary environmental analysis which can better understand their environmental fate, ecological impacts, and potential risks to public health. However, the analysis and detection of these compounds still face many challenges. The main reasons include: (1) The sample matrix is complex, which leads to tedious pretreatment and there are often many interferences in detection; (2) A very low detection limit is required for detection; (3) There are few standard testing methods for reference and pertinence. Alfa Chemistry has built a professional analysis platform, and we can provide comprehensive analytical solutions and methods that deliver high-quality ultra-trace analysis of PFAS in the environment.

Our Service

Alfa Chemistry can use a variety of techniques and methods to provide PFAS analysis in a variety of environmental substrates.

These environmental substrates include:

Surface Water


Drinking Water

Sea Water

Pore Water







These analysis services categories include:

  • Targeted analysis: The service is used for the analysis of a specific defined set of known PFAS analytes. Analytical standards exist for quantitation and methods only measure for analytes on the targeted list.
  • Non-targeted analysis: The service is used for the analysis of all known and unknown PFAS analytes in a sample.

These analytical techniques include:

At present, our analysis technologies include gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC–MS), liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC–MS) (The chromatography-mass spectrometry include tandem mass spectrometry [MS/MS] and quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry [QTOF-MS]), supercritical fluid chromatography-mass spectrometry (SFC-MS), inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), combustion ion chromatography (CIC).

Noteworthy, Alfa Chemistry will customize appropriate analytical solutions and methods according to sample types and customer requirements. The reasons are: the number of PFAS is enormous, ranging from 4700 to 12000. And these compounds exhibit quite different physico-chemical properties. As a result, no single method can capture all PFAS and no single instrumental analysis method can analyze all PFAS. Generally speaking, for the targeted quantitative analysis of PFAS, Alfa Chemistry performs personalized solid phase extraction (SPE) as the pre-treatment method for water environment substrates, and performs personalized solid phase extraction method and personalized ion pair reagent extraction method as the pre-treatment method for soil and sediment environment substrates. Then, the detection and analysis are performed by UPLC-MS/MS and LC-QTOF-MS.

Our Workflows

Complete solutions

Complete solutions

In this step, Alfa Chemistry will explore optimized methods and complete workflow solutions.

Sample preparation

Sample preparation

In this step, Alfa Chemistry will reduce the risk of false positive results by controlling contamination of laboratory.

Analysis test

Analysis test

In this step, Alfa Chemistry will try to reach detection limits low enough to satisfy your requirements.

Data interpretation

Data interpretation

In this step, Alfa Chemistry will use software to improve productivity and confidence in PFAS analysis.

Our Advantages

Key Figures


Alfa Chemistry has more than 100 large analytical test instruments.


Alfa Chemistry owns nearly 300 professional engineers composed of experts.


Alfa Chemistry serves more than 50+ regions around the world.


Alfa Chemistry has more than 20 years of service experience.

Through cooperation with enterprise customers in various fields, Alfa Chemistry achieves high quality and high standard service level.

Please kindly note that our products and services are for research use only.