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Catalog Number: ACM100278679

CAS: 100278-67-9
Molecular Weight: 193.199240 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C10H11NO3

Sodium heptadecanoate

Catalog Number: ACM1002820

CAS: 1002-82-0
Molecular Weight: 292.432489 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C17H34O2Na

Sulfuric acid, iron(2+)salt (1:1), dihydrate (9CI)

Catalog Number: ACM10028214

CAS: 10028-21-4
Molecular Weight: 187.94
Molecular Formula: Fe. H2 O4 S . 2 H2 O

ferric sulfate

Catalog Number: ACM10028225

CAS: 10028-22-5
Molecular Weight: 399.86
Molecular Formula: Fe2O12S3

Iron (II) Phosphate Octahydrate

Catalog Number: ACM10028236

CAS: 10028-23-6
Molecular Weight: 501.6
Molecular Formula: Fe3H16O16P2

Magnesium hydrogensulfate

Catalog Number: ACM10028269

CAS: 10028-26-9


Catalog Number: ACM10028441

CAS: 10028-44-1
Molecular Weight: 590.62
Molecular Formula: C33H34O10

Milrinone lactate

Catalog Number: ACM100286973

CAS: 100286-97-3
Molecular Weight: 301.3005
Molecular Formula: C12H9N3O?x(C3H6O3)

Disodium terephthalate

Catalog Number: ACM10028703

CAS: 10028-70-3
Molecular Weight: 210.09
Molecular Formula: C8H4Na2O4


Catalog Number: ACM100288366

CAS: 100288-36-6

Cobalt(II) stearate, 9 - 10% Co

Catalog Number: ACM1002886

CAS: 1002-88-6
Molecular Weight: 625.885g/mol
Molecular Formula: C36H70CoO4;


Catalog Number: ACM10029002

CAS: 10029-00-2
Molecular Formula: C18H18O


Catalog Number: ACM10029046

CAS: 10029-04-6
Molecular Weight: 130.14
Molecular Formula: C6H10O3


Catalog Number: ACM10029079

CAS: 10029-07-9
Molecular Weight: 142.242 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C8H18N2


Catalog Number: ACM10029091

CAS: 10029-09-1


Catalog Number: ACM1002911

CAS: 1002-91-1
Molecular Weight: 224.385520 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C14H28N2

Dimethyl N,N'-(methylenedi-4,1-phenylene)bis[2-methyl-beta-alaninate]

Catalog Number: ACM10029240

CAS: 10029-24-0
Molecular Weight: 398.495 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C23H30N2O4


Catalog Number: ACM10029319

CAS: 10029-31-9
Molecular Weight: 240.343400 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C16H20N2
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