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1-Phenylpropyl butyrate

Catalog Number: ACM10031864

CAS: 10031-86-4
Molecular Weight: 206.28082
Molecular Formula: C13H18O2


Catalog Number: ACM100318716

CAS: 100318-71-6
Molecular Weight: 283.35
Molecular Formula: C12H17N3O3S


Catalog Number: ACM10031886

CAS: 10031-88-6

2-Nonynoic acid,ethylester

Catalog Number: ACM10031922

CAS: 10031-92-2
Molecular Weight: 182.26
Molecular Formula: C11H18O2

Ethyl 4-phenylbutyrate

Catalog Number: ACM10031933

CAS: 10031-93-3
Molecular Weight: 192.25
Molecular Formula: C12H16O2


Catalog Number: ACM100319402

CAS: 100319-40-2
Molecular Weight: 162.27
Molecular Formula: C12H18


Catalog Number: ACM1003196

CAS: 1003-19-6
Molecular Weight: 98.19
Molecular Formula: C7H14

4-Allyl-2-methoxyphenyl formate

Catalog Number: ACM10031966

CAS: 10031-96-6
Molecular Formula: C11H12O3

Geranyl acetoacetate

Catalog Number: ACM10032005

CAS: 10032-00-5
Molecular Weight: 238.32
Molecular Formula: C14H22O3

Geranyl hexanoate

Catalog Number: ACM10032027

CAS: 10032-02-7
Molecular Weight: 252.39
Molecular Formula: C16H28O2

Such-and-such aldehyde two methanol acetals

Catalog Number: ACM10032051

CAS: 10032-05-1
Molecular Weight: 160.25400
Molecular Formula: C9H20O2

Heptyl cinnamate

Catalog Number: ACM10032083

CAS: 10032-08-3
Molecular Weight: 246.34
Molecular Formula: C16H22O2

3-Hexen-1-yl isovalerate

Catalog Number: ACM10032118

CAS: 10032-11-8
Molecular Weight: 184.28
Molecular Formula: C11H20O2

Hexyl isovalerate standard for gc

Catalog Number: ACM10032130

CAS: 10032-13-0
Molecular Weight: 186.29118
Molecular Formula: C11H22O2

Hexyl 2-methylbutyrate

Catalog Number: ACM10032152

CAS: 10032-15-2
Molecular Weight: 186.29
Molecular Formula: C11H22O2

3-[(4-Aminobenzoyl)-(1-phenylethyl)amino]propyl-diethylazanium chloride

Catalog Number: ACM100321548

CAS: 100321-54-8
Molecular Weight: 389.962 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C22H32ClN3O


Catalog Number: ACM100321582

CAS: 100321-58-2
Molecular Weight: 405.961 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C22H32ClN3O2


Catalog Number: ACM1003221100

CAS: 1003221-10-0


Catalog Number: ACM1003221155

CAS: 1003221-15-5


Catalog Number: ACM1003221166

CAS: 1003221-16-6
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