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2-[(1,3-Benzothiazol-2-ylthio)methyl]benzoic acid

Catalog Number: ACM100961613

CAS: 100961-61-3

4-(2-Quinoxalinylamino)benzoic acid

Catalog Number: ACM100962025

CAS: 100962-02-5
Molecular Weight: 265.266740 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C15H11N3O2

5-(Chloromethyl)-1,2,4-oxadiazole-3-carboxylic acid ethyl ester

Catalog Number: ACM1009620976

CAS: 1009620-97-6
Molecular Weight: 190.584380 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C6H7ClN2O3


Catalog Number: ACM1009627

CAS: 1009-62-7
Molecular Weight: 162.23
Molecular Formula: C11H14O


Catalog Number: ACM1009630243

CAS: 1009630-24-3
Molecular Weight: 421.887
Molecular Formula: C26H16ClN3O


Catalog Number: ACM100965466

CAS: 100965-46-6

Ethyl 4-ethyl-4-octadecylmorpholinium sulphate

Catalog Number: ACM10096647

CAS: 10096-64-7
Molecular Weight: 493.7836
Molecular Formula: C26H55NO5S

2-Benzylpropionic acid

Catalog Number: ACM1009672

CAS: 1009-67-2
Molecular Weight: 164.20
Molecular Formula: C10H12O2


Catalog Number: ACM1009672212

CAS: 1009672-21-2

2-{[(2-Fluorophenyl)sulfonyl]amino}-3-methylbutanoic acid

Catalog Number: ACM1009676996

CAS: 1009676-99-6
Molecular Weight: 275.3
Molecular Formula: C11H14FNO4S


Catalog Number: ACM10097071

CAS: 10097-07-1
Molecular Weight: 224.21
Molecular Formula: C10H12N2O4

2-Bromopropionic acid

Catalog Number: ACM1009708

CAS: 1009-70-8
Molecular Weight: 178.25400
Molecular Formula: C9H10N2S


Catalog Number: ACM10097093

CAS: 10097-09-3
Molecular Weight: 340.42
Molecular Formula: C19H24N4O2


Catalog Number: ACM1009710079

CAS: 1009710-07-9


Catalog Number: ACM10097162

CAS: 10097-16-2
Molecular Weight: 342.388980 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C19H22N2O4

Ethyl 5-(2-methylphenyl)-5-oxovalerate

Catalog Number: ACM100972132

CAS: 100972-13-2
Molecular Weight: 234.29
Molecular Formula: C14H18O3

2-Butyloctyl methacrylate

Catalog Number: ACM10097264

CAS: 10097-26-4
Molecular Weight: 254.408200 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C16H30O2


Catalog Number: ACM100973755

CAS: 100973-75-5
Molecular Weight: 242.62248;g/mol
Molecular Formula: C7H7ClN6O2
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