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Sodium caprate

Catalog Number: ACM1002626

CAS: 1002-62-6
Molecular Weight: 194.25
Molecular Formula: C10H19NaO2

2-[(4-Ethoxyphenyl)-phenylcarbamoyl]oxyethyl-diethylazanium chloride

Catalog Number: ACM100263465

CAS: 100263-46-5
Molecular Weight: 392.92 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C21H29ClN2O3


Catalog Number: ACM1002651004

CAS: 1002651-00-4
Molecular Weight: 197.191240 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C8H11N3O3


Catalog Number: ACM1002651684

CAS: 1002651-68-4
Molecular Weight: 139.2
Molecular Formula: C7H13N3

Diethylene glycol methyl ethyl ether

Catalog Number: ACM1002671

CAS: 1002-67-1
Molecular Weight: 148.2
Molecular Formula: C7H16O3

2-(Dimethylamino)-2-methylpropan-1-ol hydrochloride

Catalog Number: ACM10026989

CAS: 10026-98-9
Molecular Weight: 153.65034
Molecular Formula: C6H16ClNO

2-(Dimethylamino)-2-methylpropan-1-ol; 4-methylbenzenesulfonic acid

Catalog Number: ACM10026990

CAS: 10026-99-0
Molecular Weight: 289.391 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C13H23NO4S

Allyl diglycol carbonate

Catalog Number: ACM10027006

CAS: 10027-00-6
Molecular Formula: C8H14O5


Catalog Number: ACM1002727889

CAS: 1002727-88-9
Molecular Weight: 260.136440 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C15H21BO3

4-(Phenoxymethyl)benzenesulfonyl chloride,97%

Catalog Number: ACM1002727890

CAS: 1002727-89-0
Molecular Weight: 282.75
Molecular Formula: C13H11ClO3S

4-(Thien-2-ylmethyl)benzoic acid

Catalog Number: ACM1002727903

CAS: 1002727-90-3
Molecular Weight: 218.271600 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C12H10O2S

Copper phthalate

Catalog Number: ACM10027302

CAS: 10027-30-2
Molecular Weight: 227.660960 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C8H4CuO4


Catalog Number: ACM100275943

CAS: 100275-94-3
Molecular Weight: 177.16
Molecular Formula: C9H7 N O3

Bay r3401

Catalog Number: ACM100276037

CAS: 100276-03-7
Molecular Weight: 375.85
Molecular Formula: C20H22ClNO4

Taurine ethyl ester

Catalog Number: ACM10027642

CAS: 10027-64-2
Molecular Weight: 460.780120 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C24H48N2O2S2

2-Aminoethyl 2-aminoethanethiosulfonate dihydrochloride

Catalog Number: ACM10027700

CAS: 10027-70-0
Molecular Weight: 257.20
Molecular Formula: C4H14Cl2N2O2S2


Catalog Number: ACM100277278

CAS: 100277-27-8
Molecular Weight: 132.23
Molecular Formula: C6H12OS

Phenyl-phosphonothioic acid phenylester

Catalog Number: ACM100277950

CAS: 100277-95-0
Molecular Weight: 250.253302 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C12H11O2PS

cis-1,2-Cyclohexanediamine dihydrochloride

Catalog Number: ACM10027802

CAS: 10027-80-2
Molecular Weight: 187.110640 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C6H14N2.2(HCl)
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