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Nonadecyl D-glucoside

Catalog Number: ACM100231672

CAS: 100231-67-2
Molecular Weight: 446.660900 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C25H50O6

Icosyl D-glucoside

Catalog Number: ACM100231683

CAS: 100231-68-3
Molecular Weight: 460.687480 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C26H52O6


Catalog Number: ACM100231694

CAS: 100231-69-4
Molecular Formula: C18H34CuO4

Sodium bis[2-[2(or4)-isododecylphenoxy]ethyl]phosphate

Catalog Number: ACM100231729

CAS: 100231-72-9
Molecular Formula: C40H67O6PNa

Octadecyl palmitate

Catalog Number: ACM100231752

CAS: 100231-75-2
Molecular Weight: 508.902520 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C34H68O2

Tetrakis(hydroxymethyl)phosphonium phosphate(2:1)

Catalog Number: ACM100231785

CAS: 100231-78-5
Molecular Formula: C4H12O4P.1/2HO4P


Catalog Number: ACM10023231

CAS: 10023-23-1


Catalog Number: ACM1002334124

CAS: 1002334-12-4
Molecular Weight: 270.134560 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C15H19BN2O2


Catalog Number: ACM100234626

CAS: 100234-62-6
Molecular Formula: C14H14N2O2


Catalog Number: ACM1002353

CAS: 1002-35-3
Molecular Weight: 108.18088
Molecular Formula: C8H12

N-*4*-{7-Chloro-2-[2-(2-chloro-phenyl)-vinyl]-quin olin-4-yl}-n*1*,n*1*-diethyl-pentane-1,4-diamine

Catalog Number: ACM10023548

CAS: 10023-54-8
Molecular Weight: 750.45
Molecular Formula: C26H40Cl2N3O12P3


Catalog Number: ACM1002355987

CAS: 1002355-98-7

(R)-tert-Butyl 3-(bromomethyl)piperidine-1-carboxylate

Catalog Number: ACM1002359912

CAS: 1002359-91-2
Molecular Weight: 278.19
Molecular Formula: C11H20BrNO2


Catalog Number: ACM1002360099

CAS: 1002360-09-9


Catalog Number: ACM100238424

CAS: 100238-42-4
Molecular Weight: 221.3
Molecular Formula: C13H19NO2


Catalog Number: ACM100238559

CAS: 100238-55-9
Molecular Weight: 172.61
Molecular Formula: C8H9ClO2


Catalog Number: ACM100239450

CAS: 100239-45-0
Molecular Weight: 314.46
Molecular Formula: C21H30O2


Catalog Number: ACM100240059

CAS: 100240-05-9
Molecular Weight: 176.26
Molecular Formula: C11H16N2

3-(3-Fluorophenyl)piperidine hydrochloride

Catalog Number: ACM100240208

CAS: 100240-20-8
Molecular Weight: 215.7
Molecular Formula: C11H15ClFN


Catalog Number: ACM10024110

CAS: 10024-11-0
Molecular Weight: 98.15
Molecular Formula: C6H10O
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