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Barium dichomate

Catalog Number: ACM10031160

CAS: 10031-16-0
Molecular Weight: 353.33
Molecular Formula: BaCr2O7-2H₂O

Calcium superphosphate

Catalog Number: ACM10031308

CAS: 10031-30-8
Molecular Weight: 234.05
Molecular Formula: CaP2H4O8

Calcium iodide,hexahydrate (8CI,9CI)

Catalog Number: ACM10031319

CAS: 10031-31-9
Molecular Weight: 401.9786
Molecular Formula: CaI2 . 6 H2 O


Catalog Number: ACM10031320

CAS: 10031-32-0
Molecular Weight: 389.88
Molecular Formula: CaI2O6

5,6-Dihydro-2H-pyran-3-carboxylic acid

Catalog Number: ACM100313482

CAS: 100313-48-2
Molecular Weight: 128.13
Molecular Formula: C6H8O3

Sulfuric acid chromium(3+)salt(3:2),pentadecahydrate

Catalog Number: ACM10031375

CAS: 10031-37-5
Molecular Weight: 662.409200 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: Cr2H30O27S3


Catalog Number: ACM100313813

CAS: 100313-81-3
Molecular Weight: 234.71
Molecular Formula: C8H11ClN2O2S


Catalog Number: ACM10031397

CAS: 10031-39-7

Copper(II) selenate 5-hydrate

Catalog Number: ACM10031455

CAS: 10031-45-5
Molecular Weight: 206.5
Molecular Formula: Cu. H2 O4 Se . 5 H2 O

Nitric acid,dysprosium(3+) salt, pentahydrate (8CI,9CI)

Catalog Number: ACM10031499

CAS: 10031-49-9
Molecular Weight: 438.59
Molecular Formula: Dy. 5 H2 O . 3 H N O3

Sulfuric acid,dysprosium(3+) salt (3:2), octahydrate (8CI,9CI)

Catalog Number: ACM10031502

CAS: 10031-50-2
Molecular Weight: 757.31
Molecular Formula: Dy. 3/2 H2 O4 S . 4 H2 O

Erbium sulfate octahydrate

Catalog Number: ACM10031524

CAS: 10031-52-4
Molecular Weight: 766.85
Molecular Formula: H16O20S3Er2


Catalog Number: ACM10031626

CAS: 10031-62-6
Molecular Weight: 310.82
Molecular Formula: O8S2Sn

Beta phenyl ethyl dimethyl carbinyl isobutyrate

Catalog Number: ACM10031717

CAS: 10031-71-7
Molecular Weight: 234.33
Molecular Formula: C15H22O2

Dimethyl phenyl ethyl carbinyl isobutyrate

Catalog Number: ACM10031719

CAS: 10031-71-9
Molecular Weight: 234.33400
Molecular Formula: C15H22O2


Catalog Number: ACM1003174

CAS: 1003-17-4
Molecular Weight: 100.16
Molecular Formula: C6H12O


Catalog Number: ACM10031751

CAS: 10031-75-1


Catalog Number: ACM10031820

CAS: 10031-82-0
Molecular Weight: 150.17
Molecular Formula: C9H10O2


Catalog Number: ACM10031821

CAS: 10031-82-1
Molecular Weight: 150.17400
Molecular Formula: C9H10O2

1-Chloro-2,3-dihydro-1H-phosphole 1-oxide

Catalog Number: ACM1003185

CAS: 1003-18-5
Molecular Weight: 136.517 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C4H6ClOP
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