
Featured Products

Tetrairidium dodecacarbonyl

Catalog Number: ALC-FP-11065240

CAS: 11065-24-0
Molecular Weight: 1104.99
Molecular Formula: Ir4(CO)12


Catalog Number: ALC-FP-122394

CAS: 122-39-4
Molecular Weight: 169.22
Molecular Formula: C12H11N

Boehmite (Al(OH)O)

Catalog Number: ALC-FP-1318236

CAS: 1318-23-6

Sodium lauroyl sarcosinate

Catalog Number: ALC-FP-137166

CAS: 137-16-6

Benzamide, 3-nitroso- (9CI)

Catalog Number: ALC-FP-144189662

CAS: 144189-66-2
Molecular Weight: 150.14 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C7H6N2O2

Carbonic acid, bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester

Catalog Number: ALC-FP-14858732

CAS: 14858-73-2


Catalog Number: ALC-FP-15464478

CAS: 15464-47-8
Molecular Weight: 432.50 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C30H25OP

1,1'-Diethyl-2,2'-quinotricarbocyanine iodide

Catalog Number: ALC-FP-17695328

CAS: 17695-32-8

N,N-Dimethyldithiocarbamic Acid (3-Sulfopropyl) Ester Sodium Salt

Catalog Number: ALC-FP-18880369

CAS: 18880-36-9
Molecular Weight: 265.35
Molecular Formula: C6H12NNaO3S3


Catalog Number: ALC-FP-18960548

CAS: 18960-54-8

2-Ethylhexyl 4-(dimethylamino)benzoate

Catalog Number: ALC-FP-21245023

CAS: 21245-02-3
Molecular Weight: 277.41 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C17H27NO2

1,3-Propanediol, 2-amino-, ethanedioate (2:1) (salt)

Catalog Number: ALC-FP-24070200

CAS: 24070-20-0

1,4-Butanediol diglycidyl ether

Catalog Number: ALC-FP-2425798

CAS: 2425-79-8

Phosphorodifluoridic acid, lithium salt

Catalog Number: ALC-FP-24389251

CAS: 24389-25-1
Molecular Weight: 107.91
Molecular Formula: LiPO2F2

Purpurin 18

Catalog Number: ALC-FP-25465774

CAS: 25465-77-4
Molecular Weight: 564.64 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C33H32N4O5

Poly(acrylic acid) partial potassium salt

Catalog Number: ALC-FP-25608122

CAS: 25608-12-2


Catalog Number: ALC-FP-25765473

CAS: 25765-47-3


Catalog Number: ALC-FP-26532252

CAS: 26532-25-2
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