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Catalog Number: ACM1006082

CAS: 1006-08-2
Molecular Weight: 150.14
Molecular Formula: C6H6N4O


Catalog Number: ACM10060885

CAS: 10060-88-5
Molecular Weight: 222.307 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C11H14N2OS


Catalog Number: ACM10061026

CAS: 10061-02-6
Molecular Weight: 110.97
Molecular Formula: C3H4Cl2


Catalog Number: ACM1006104240

CAS: 1006104-24-0

2-(1,1-Dioxo-1lambda~6~,4-thiazinan-4-yl)-3-phenylpropanoic acid

Catalog Number: ACM100610682

CAS: 100610-68-2
Molecular Weight: 283.35
Molecular Formula: C13H17NO4S


Catalog Number: ACM100611

CAS: 100-61-1

4,5-Dihydro-2-(1-naphthylmethyl)-1H-imidazolium nitrate

Catalog Number: ACM10061117

CAS: 10061-11-7
Molecular Weight: 273.2872
Molecular Formula: C14H15N3O3


Catalog Number: ACM10061206

CAS: 10061-2-06

Stearyl citrate

Catalog Number: ACM10061300

CAS: 10061-30-0
Molecular Weight: 458.58500
Molecular Formula: C24H42O8

3-(4-Acetoxy-phenyl)-propionic acid ethyl ester

Catalog Number: ACM100613034

CAS: 100613-03-4
Molecular Weight: 236.26374
Molecular Formula: C13H16O4


Catalog Number: ACM100613363

CAS: 100613-36-3
Molecular Weight: 252.26
Molecular Formula: C13H16O5

Hexyl 5-bromo-2-hydroxybenzoate

Catalog Number: ACM100614106

CAS: 100614-10-6
Molecular Weight: 301.176280 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C13H17BrO3


Catalog Number: ACM100615483

CAS: 100615-48-3
Molecular Weight: 232.27834
Molecular Formula: C13H16N2O2

4-Pyridinecarboxylicacid,3-cyano-6-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-1,2-dihydro-2-oxo-,ethyl ester

Catalog Number: ACM100616099

CAS: 100616-09-9
Molecular Weight: 248.28
Molecular Formula: C13H16N2O3


Catalog Number: ACM10061640

CAS: 10061-64-0


Catalog Number: ACM10061684

CAS: 10061-68-4
Molecular Weight: 130.23
Molecular Formula: C7H18N2

Allyldiphenylphosphine sulfide

Catalog Number: ACM10061877

CAS: 10061-87-7


Catalog Number: ACM100619736

CAS: 100619-73-6
Molecular Weight: 253.294260 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C13H19NO4


Catalog Number: ACM1006208

CAS: 1006-20-8
Molecular Weight: 166.2036
Molecular Formula: C6H6N4S

1,3-Dihydro-6-methylfuro[3,4-c]pyridin-7-ol hydrochloride

Catalog Number: ACM1006219

CAS: 1006-21-9
Molecular Formula: C8H9NO2.HCl
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