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6-Phenyl-5-[4-(2-piperidin-1-ium-1-ylethoxy)phenyl]-7,8-dihydronaphthalen-2-ol chloride

Catalog Number: ACM10059684

CAS: 10059-68-4
Molecular Weight: 462.023 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C29H32ClNO2


Catalog Number: ACM100599277

CAS: 100599-27-7
Molecular Weight: 320.751 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C14H9ClN2O3S


Catalog Number: ACM100599620

CAS: 100599-62-0
Molecular Weight: 201.63
Molecular Formula: C9H9ClFNO


Catalog Number: ACM100599915

CAS: 100599-91-5
Molecular Weight: 192.67
Molecular Formula: C5H8N4S.ClH

Chromic acid (H2CrO4),calcium salt (1:1), dihydrate (8CI,9CI)

Catalog Number: ACM10060089

CAS: 10060-08-9
Molecular Weight: 192.12
Molecular Formula: Ca. Cr H2 O4 . 2 H2 O


Catalog Number: ACM10060114

CAS: 10060-11-4
Molecular Weight: 143.5
Molecular Formula: Cl2Ge

Ammonium copper(II) chloride dihydrate

Catalog Number: ACM10060136

CAS: 10060-13-6
Molecular Weight: 277.454g/mol
Molecular Formula: Cl4CuH12N2O2;


Catalog Number: ACM1006015

CAS: 1006-01-5
Molecular Weight: 280.09
Molecular Formula: C9H14IP

Trimanganese dicitrate

Catalog Number: ACM10060261

CAS: 10060-26-1
Molecular Weight: 543.013547
Molecular Formula: C6H8O7.3/2Mn

Dimethyl 1,8-naphthalenedicarboxylate

Catalog Number: ACM10060330

CAS: 10060-33-0
Molecular Weight: 244.24
Molecular Formula: C14H12O4


Catalog Number: ACM100603325

CAS: 100603-32-5
Molecular Weight: 460.68
Molecular Formula: Os(C5(CH3)5)2


Catalog Number: ACM1006037

CAS: 1006-03-7
Molecular Weight: 102.17
Molecular Formula: C6H10O


Catalog Number: ACM1006047513

CAS: 1006047-51-3

5-Methylcarbonylpentyl-2-Deoxy beta-d-glucopyranoside

Catalog Number: ACM100605252

CAS: 100605-25-2
Molecular Weight: 276.32606
Molecular Formula: C13H24O6


Catalog Number: ACM100605514

CAS: 100605-51-4
Molecular Formula: C6H7N5ONH2

O-Acetyl losartan

Catalog Number: ACM1006062276

CAS: 1006062-27-6
Molecular Weight: 464.95
Molecular Formula: C24H25ClN6O2

Losartan Trityl Ether

Catalog Number: ACM1006062287-1

CAS: 1006062-28-7
Molecular Weight: 665.23
Molecular Formula: C41H37ClN6O


Catalog Number: ACM100606744

CAS: 100606-74-4
Molecular Weight: 140.222740 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C9H16O


Catalog Number: ACM100607021

CAS: 100607-02-1
Molecular Formula: C8H8Cl2N2O


Catalog Number: ACM100607156

CAS: 100607-15-6
Molecular Weight: 230.101680 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C9H12BrNO
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