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9-Anthraceneboronic acid

Catalog Number: ACM100622342

CAS: 100622-34-2
Molecular Weight: 222.05
Molecular Formula: C14H11BO2


Catalog Number: ACM100622411

CAS: 100622-41-1
Molecular Weight: 287.15
Molecular Formula: C14H11BrN2


Catalog Number: ACM1006231

CAS: 1006-23-1
Molecular Weight: 154.13
Molecular Formula: C4H6N6O


Catalog Number: ACM1006242

CAS: 1006-24-2
Molecular Weight: 154.167 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C7H10N2O2

2-[(4-Ethoxy-4-oxobutyl)[(4-methylphenyl)sulfonyl]amino]benzoic acid methyl ester

Catalog Number: ACM100627392

CAS: 100627-39-2
Molecular Formula: C21H25NO6S

Indan-1-yl methyl ether

Catalog Number: ACM1006275

CAS: 1006-27-5
Molecular Weight: 148.201680 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C10H12O


Catalog Number: ACM100629

CAS: 100-62-9
Molecular Weight: 105.137180 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C7H7N

Restriction Endonuclease Alw 44 I (ApaL I )

Catalog Number: ACM100630511

CAS: 100630-51-1

3-Amino-1H-pyrazole-1-acetic acid

Catalog Number: ACM1006319294

CAS: 1006319-29-4
Molecular Weight: 141.127980 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C5H7N3O2

4-[(4-Mesylamino)phenyl]-4-oxobutyric acid

Catalog Number: ACM100632573

CAS: 100632-57-3
Molecular Weight: 271.29
Molecular Formula: C11H13NO5S


Catalog Number: ACM100632584

CAS: 100632-58-4
Molecular Weight: 396.55
Molecular Formula: C20H32N2O4S


Catalog Number: ACM1006333363

CAS: 1006333-36-3
Molecular Weight: 139.2
Molecular Formula: C7H13N3


Catalog Number: ACM1006334355

CAS: 1006334-35-5
Molecular Weight: 154.169800 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C6H10N4O

trans-4-Fluorophenyl 4-ethylcyclohexanecarboxylate

Catalog Number: ACM100633612

CAS: 100633-61-2
Molecular Formula: C15H19FO2


Catalog Number: ACM1006344

CAS: 1006-34-4
Molecular Formula: C7H5BrFNO


Catalog Number: ACM1006349161

CAS: 1006349-16-1
Molecular Weight: 138.17
Molecular Formula: C7H10N2O


Catalog Number: ACM100637603

CAS: 100637-60-3
Molecular Weight: 223.2484
Molecular Formula: C10H9NO3S

2-(3-Nitropyridin-2-ylthio)propionic acid

Catalog Number: ACM100638026

CAS: 100638-02-6
Molecular Weight: 228.225120 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C8H8N2O4S
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