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7-[3-[7-[Diethyl(methyl)azaniumyl]heptoxycarbonyl]-2,4-diphenylcyclobutanecarbonyl]oxyheptyl-diethyl-methylazanium diiodide

Catalog Number: ACM10066770

CAS: 10066-77-0
Molecular Weight: 918.809 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C42H68I2N2O4

Oxazole, 5-phenyl-

Catalog Number: ACM1006684

CAS: 1006-68-4
Molecular Weight: 145.16
Molecular Formula: C9H7NO

2-Hydroxyhexadecanoic acid

Catalog Number: ACM10067068

CAS: 10067-06-8
Molecular Weight: 272.42
Molecular Formula: C16H32O3


Catalog Number: ACM1006717550

CAS: 1006717-55-0
Molecular Weight: 391.45
Molecular Formula: C19H13D8N5O4

Cibenzoline succinate

Catalog Number: ACM100678328

CAS: 100678-32-8
Molecular Weight: 380.44
Molecular Formula: C18H18N2.C4H6O4

[Amino-(4-prop-2-enoxy-3,5-dipropylphenyl)methylidene]azanium chloride

Catalog Number: ACM100678339

CAS: 100678-33-9
Molecular Weight: 296.836 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C16H25ClN2O


Catalog Number: ACM100678340

CAS: 100678-34-0
Molecular Weight: 341.447 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C20H27N3O2

Ethyl 2-((1S,2R)-2-hydroxy-1,2-diphenylethylamino)acetate

Catalog Number: ACM100678828

CAS: 100678-82-8
Molecular Weight: 299.36
Molecular Formula: C18H21NO3

Methyl 3-hydroxy-5-isoxazolecarboxylate

Catalog Number: ACM10068072

CAS: 10068-07-2
Molecular Weight: 143.1
Molecular Formula: C5H5NO4


Catalog Number: ACM10068232

CAS: 10068-23-2
Molecular Formula: C7H17N3O

Malondialdehyde tetrabutylammonium salt

Catalog Number: ACM100683543

CAS: 100683-54-3
Molecular Weight: 313.52
Molecular Formula: C19H39N1O2

5-Amino-N-[(1-ethylpyrrolidin-2-yl)methyl]-3-methoxybenzo[b]thiophene-2-carboxamide dihydrochloride

Catalog Number: ACM100683816

CAS: 100683-81-6
Molecular Weight: 406.370300 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C17H23N3O2S.2HCl

Protein hydrolyzates,wheat gluten

Catalog Number: ACM100684251

CAS: 100684-25-1

Myoglobin horse

Catalog Number: ACM100684320

CAS: 100684-32-0
Molecular Weight: 450.44244;g/mol
Molecular Formula: C20H26N4O8

Protein hydrolyzates, yeast

Catalog Number: ACM100684364

CAS: 100684-36-4


Catalog Number: ACM100684739

CAS: 100684-73-9


Catalog Number: ACM100685

CAS: 100-68-5
Molecular Weight: 124.21
Molecular Formula: C7H8S


Catalog Number: ACM10068652

CAS: 10068-65-2
Molecular Weight: 406.43
Molecular Formula: C20H26N2O7


Catalog Number: ACM1006865322

CAS: 1006865-32-2
Molecular Weight: 273.16618
Molecular Formula: C12H17BrO2


Catalog Number: ACM10068674

CAS: 10068-67-4
Molecular Weight: 468.5
Molecular Formula: C25H28N2O7
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