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2,6-Dimethylpiperidin-4-one hydrochloride

Catalog Number: ACM1005397625

CAS: 1005397-62-5
Molecular Weight: 163.64516
Molecular Formula: C7H14ClNO


Catalog Number: ACM10054054

CAS: 10054-05-4


Catalog Number: ACM100540612

CAS: 100540-61-2
Molecular Weight: 397.94
Molecular Formula: C8H4I2N2O


Catalog Number: ACM1005413193

CAS: 1005413-19-3

1-Octadecyl-5-oxopyrrolidine-3-carboxylic acid

Catalog Number: ACM10054203

CAS: 10054-20-3
Molecular Weight: 381.59242
Molecular Formula: C23H43NO3

1-Dodecyl-5-oxopyrrolidine-3-carboxylic acid

Catalog Number: ACM10054214

CAS: 10054-21-4
Molecular Weight: 297.43294
Molecular Formula: C17H31NO3

1-Tetradecyl-5-oxopyrrolidine-3-carboxylic acid

Catalog Number: ACM10054225

CAS: 10054-22-5
Molecular Weight: 325.4861
Molecular Formula: C19H35NO3


Catalog Number: ACM1005458138

CAS: 1005458-13-8
Molecular Weight: 271.35744;g/mol
Molecular Formula: C16H21N3O


Catalog Number: ACM1005474883

CAS: 1005474-88-3
Molecular Weight: 155.126443 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C7H6FNO2

Ethyl acetoacetate-4-13C

Catalog Number: ACM100548445

CAS: 100548-44-5
Molecular Weight: 131.13

Tetrahydro-2H-pyran-4-amine acetate

Catalog Number: ACM1005498918

CAS: 1005498-91-8
Molecular Weight: 161.2
Molecular Formula: C5H11NO.C2H4O2


Catalog Number: ACM100550

CAS: 100-55-0
Molecular Weight: 109.13
Molecular Formula: C6H7NO


Catalog Number: ACM100553831

CAS: 100553-83-1
Molecular Weight: 192.19
Molecular Formula: C10H9FN2O

2-Fluoro-4'-amino benzophenone

Catalog Number: ACM10055397

CAS: 10055-39-7
Molecular Weight: 215.22
Molecular Formula: C13H10FNO


Catalog Number: ACM10055400

CAS: 10055-40-0
Molecular Formula: C13H10FNO


Catalog Number: ACM1005558053

CAS: 1005558-05-3
Molecular Weight: 135.166460 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C7H9N3


Catalog Number: ACM100556589

CAS: 100556-58-9


Catalog Number: ACM100557220

CAS: 100557-22-0
Molecular Weight: 272.32228
Molecular Formula: C14H12N2O2S
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