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3-Carbamyl-1-methylpyridinium chloride

Catalog Number: ACM1005249

CAS: 1005-24-9
Molecular Weight: 172.61
Molecular Formula: C7H9ClN2O

2-(3-Bromo-2-oxopropyl)-3-methoxy-1-piperidinecarboxylic acid ethyl ester

Catalog Number: ACM100524990

CAS: 100524-99-0
Molecular Weight: 322.20
Molecular Formula: C12H20BrNO4


Catalog Number: ACM1005261

CAS: 1005-26-1


Catalog Number: ACM100527502

CAS: 100527-50-2
Molecular Weight: 317.204
Molecular Formula: C14H9BrN2S


Catalog Number: ACM1005283

CAS: 1005-28-3
Molecular Weight: 156.21
Molecular Formula: C6H8N2OS


Catalog Number: ACM1005291439

CAS: 1005291-43-9
Molecular Weight: 204.0
Molecular Formula: C6H3BrFNO


Catalog Number: ACM100532465

CAS: 100532-46-5

1-Methyl-3-propyl-1H-imidazolium acetate

Catalog Number: ACM1005328084

CAS: 1005328-08-4
Molecular Weight: 186.251420 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C7H13N2.C2H3O2

4-Methylphenylphosphonous dichloride

Catalog Number: ACM1005329

CAS: 1005-32-9
Molecular Weight: 193.01
Molecular Formula: C7H7PCl2

Salicylate ionophore ii

Catalog Number: ACM1005344820

CAS: 1005344-82-0
Molecular Weight: 660.14
Molecular Formula: C33H69N7S3

2-Formyl-4,5-dimethoxyphenylboronic acid

Catalog Number: ACM1005346962

CAS: 1005346-96-2
Molecular Formula: C9H11BO5

(p-Hydroxyphenyl)dimethylsulfonium chloride

Catalog Number: ACM1005352

CAS: 1005-35-2
Molecular Weight: 190.69 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C8H11ClOS

Heptanoic acid,2-amino-3-butyl-

Catalog Number: ACM100535500

CAS: 100535-50-0
Molecular Formula: C11H23NO2


Catalog Number: ACM100537302

CAS: 100537-30-2
Molecular Weight: 222.242
Molecular Formula: C14H10N2O

5-(2-Furyl)-1-phenyl-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxylic acid

Catalog Number: ACM100537551

CAS: 100537-55-1
Molecular Weight: 254.24
Molecular Formula: C14H10N2O3


Catalog Number: ACM100537642

CAS: 100537-64-2


Catalog Number: ACM100538350

CAS: 100538-35-0
Molecular Weight: 226.23
Molecular Formula: C14H10O3


Catalog Number: ACM1005386844

CAS: 1005386-84-4
Molecular Weight: 248.238
Molecular Formula: C12H12N2O4


Catalog Number: ACM1005386855

CAS: 1005386-85-5
Molecular Weight: 263.209
Molecular Formula: C11H9N3O5


Catalog Number: ACM1005396

CAS: 1005-39-6
Molecular Weight: 156.21
Molecular Formula: C5H8N4S
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