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Catalog Number: ACM10050892

CAS: 10050-89-2
Molecular Weight: 267.368740 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C17H21N3


Catalog Number: ACM100510336

CAS: 100510-33-6
Molecular Weight: 278.309 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C16H14N4O

Methyl 3-[4-(aminomethyl)phenyl]propionate

Catalog Number: ACM100511782

CAS: 100511-78-2
Molecular Weight: 193.24
Molecular Formula: C11H15NO2

3-(3-Aminomethyl-phenyl)-propionic acid methyl ester

Catalog Number: ACM100511839

CAS: 100511-83-9
Molecular Weight: 193.24
Molecular Formula: C11H15NO2


Catalog Number: ACM1005129805

CAS: 1005129-80-5
Molecular Weight: 534.65
Molecular Formula: C30H38N4O5

Blasticidin a

Catalog Number: ACM100513539

CAS: 100513-53-9
Molecular Weight: 1186.5
Molecular Formula: C58H107NO23


Catalog Number: ACM100513584

CAS: 100513-58-4
Molecular Weight: 4920.62
Molecular Formula: C217H353N61O65S2

N-Caproic acid sodium salt

Catalog Number: ACM10051442

CAS: 10051-44-2
Molecular Weight: 138.14
Molecular Formula: C6H11NaO2

Enanthic acid sodium salt

Catalog Number: ACM10051453

CAS: 10051-45-3
Molecular Weight: 152.17
Molecular Formula: C7H13NaO2

3-[(Allylamino)carbonyl]bicyclo[2.2.1]heptane-2-carboxylic acid

Catalog Number: ACM1005154255

CAS: 1005154-25-5
Molecular Weight: 223.27
Molecular Formula: C12H17NO3

1,2,6-Trimethyl-4-oxo-piperidine-3,5-dicarboxylic acid dimethyl ester

Catalog Number: ACM1005161794

CAS: 1005161-79-4
Molecular Weight: 257.28296
Molecular Formula: C12H19NO5


Catalog Number: ACM100516549

CAS: 100516-54-9
Molecular Weight: 387.43
Molecular Formula: C24H21NO4

Dimethylsilyl-bis-(tetramethylcyclopentadienyl)-zirconium dichloride

Catalog Number: ACM100516641

CAS: 100516-64-1
Molecular Weight: 460.67
Molecular Formula: C20H30Cl2SiZr


Catalog Number: ACM100516710

CAS: 100516-71-0
Molecular Formula: C5H4N2S


Catalog Number: ACM100516754

CAS: 100516-75-4
Molecular Formula: C5H7N3O


Catalog Number: ACM100516765

CAS: 100516-76-5
Molecular Weight: 157.19358
Molecular Formula: C5H7N3OS

Iflab-bb f1068-0046

Catalog Number: ACM100516845

CAS: 100516-84-5
Molecular Weight: 291.99
Molecular Formula: C5H8Br2O2S


Catalog Number: ACM100516889

CAS: 100516-88-9
Molecular Weight: 159.18
Molecular Formula: C10H9NO

4-Methylthiazole-2-carbonitrile 97

Catalog Number: ACM100516981

CAS: 100516-98-1
Molecular Weight: 124.167
Molecular Formula: C5H4N2S


Catalog Number: ACM100517020

CAS: 100517-02-0
Molecular Formula: C5H7N3O
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