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4,4'-Dinitrodiphenyl disulfide

Catalog Number: ACM100323

CAS: 100-32-3
Molecular Weight: 308.33
Molecular Formula: C12H8N2O4S2

25-O-Deacetyl rifabutin

Catalog Number: ACM100324638

CAS: 100324-63-8
Molecular Weight: 804.97
Molecular Formula: C44H60N4O10


Catalog Number: ACM100324810

CAS: 100324-81-0
Molecular Weight: 280.32
Molecular Formula: C13H20N4O3

CHROMIUM BROMIDE (chromium (III) bromide)

Catalog Number: ACM1003251

CAS: 1003-25-1


Catalog Number: ACM100325288

CAS: 100325-28-8

1-Piperidinyl-3,3,4,5,5-d5-oxy,4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetra(methyl-d3)- (9CI)

Catalog Number: ACM100326463

CAS: 100326-46-3
Molecular Weight: 189.35
Molecular Formula: C9H D17 N O2


Catalog Number: ACM1003281897

CAS: 1003281-89-7
Molecular Weight: 399.845863 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C21H19ClFN3O2


Catalog Number: ACM1003287

CAS: 1003-28-7
Molecular Weight: 99.17g/mol
Molecular Formula: C6H13N


Catalog Number: ACM1003298

CAS: 1003-29-8
Molecular Weight: 95.10
Molecular Formula: C5H5NO

3-Chloro-4-hydroxy-5-methoxyphenylboronic acid pinacol ester

Catalog Number: ACM1003298847

CAS: 1003298-84-7
Molecular Weight: 284.5
Molecular Formula: C13H18BClO4

4-(Benzyloxy)-3,5-dichlorophenylboronic acid

Catalog Number: ACM1003298858

CAS: 1003298-85-8
Molecular Weight: 296.9
Molecular Formula: C13H11BCl2O3


Catalog Number: ACM1003301

CAS: 1003-30-1


Catalog Number: ACM1003312

CAS: 1003-31-2
Molecular Weight: 109.15
Molecular Formula: C5H3NS


Catalog Number: ACM100331495

CAS: 100331-49-5
Molecular Weight: 257.71818;g/mol
Molecular Formula: C14H12ClN3

5-Acetyl-8-(phenylmethoxy)-2-quinoline N-oxide

Catalog Number: ACM100331939

CAS: 100331-93-9
Molecular Weight: 293.32
Molecular Formula: C18H15NO3


Catalog Number: ACM1003320191

CAS: 1003320-19-1
Molecular Weight: 170.5202896
Molecular Formula: C4H2ClF3N2


Catalog Number: ACM1003323

CAS: 1003-32-3
Molecular Weight: 113.14
Molecular Formula: C4H3NOS


Catalog Number: ACM100333388

CAS: 100333-38-8
Molecular Weight: 386.506 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C18H30N2O5S
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