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4-Methyl1,3-dithiolan-2-iminium chloride

Catalog Number: ACM1003390

CAS: 1003-39-0


Catalog Number: ACM100340260

CAS: 100340-26-0
Molecular Weight: 382.47444;g/mol
Molecular Formula: C18H26N2O5S


Catalog Number: ACM1003403

CAS: 1003-40-3


Catalog Number: ACM1003414

CAS: 1003-41-4
Molecular Formula: C5H4OS

1,3,4,6-Tetra-O-acetyl-2-amino-2-Deoxy-α-d-glucopyranose hydrochloride

Catalog Number: ACM10034192

CAS: 10034-19-2
Molecular Weight: 383.78
Molecular Formula: C14H22ClNO9


Catalog Number: ACM10034205

CAS: 10034-20-5
Molecular Weight: 383.779
Molecular Formula: C14H21NO9.ClH


Catalog Number: ACM10034250

CAS: 10034-25-0


Catalog Number: ACM100343746

CAS: 100343-74-6
Molecular Weight: 181.149 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C6H11FO5


Catalog Number: ACM100343984

CAS: 100343-98-4
Molecular Weight: 275.3031
Molecular Formula: C14H17N3O3


Catalog Number: ACM100346609

CAS: 100346-60-9
Molecular Weight: 271.739920
Molecular Formula: C13H18ClNO3


Catalog Number: ACM100347555

CAS: 100347-55-5
Molecular Weight: 449.455 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C22H38Cl2N2O3

[3-Ethoxycarbonyl-5-hydroxy-2-(4-methylphenyl)sulfanyl-1-benzofuran-4-yl]methyl-dimethylazanium chloride

Catalog Number: ACM100347602

CAS: 100347-60-2
Molecular Weight: 421.938 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C21H24ClNO4S


Catalog Number: ACM100347624

CAS: 100347-62-4
Molecular Weight: 408.288 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C22H18BrNO2


Catalog Number: ACM100347635

CAS: 100347-63-5
Molecular Weight: 374.272 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C19H20BrNO2

dicalcium silicate

Catalog Number: ACM10034772

CAS: 10034-77-2
Molecular Weight: 172.23
Molecular Formula: Ca2SiO4

2-(4-Amino-2-phenylmethoxybenzoyl)oxyethyl-diethylazanium chloride

Catalog Number: ACM100347793

CAS: 100347-79-3
Molecular Weight: 378.893 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C20H27ClN2O3

3-(Diethylamino)propyl 4-amino-2-(phenylmethoxy)benzoate

Catalog Number: ACM100347806

CAS: 100347-80-6
Molecular Weight: 356.459 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C21H28N2O3

2-(4-Amino-2-phenylmethoxybenzoyl)oxyethyl-dimethylazanium; dihydrogenphosphate

Catalog Number: ACM100347828

CAS: 100347-82-8
Molecular Weight: 412.374 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C18H25N2O7P
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