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N-Methyl-2-t-butoxyethylamine;(OtBu-N-methyl kolamine)

Catalog Number: ACM1008119694

CAS: 1008119-69-4
Molecular Weight: 131.22
Molecular Formula: C7H17NO


Catalog Number: ACM100812

CAS: 100-81-2
Molecular Weight: 121.18
Molecular Formula: C8H11N

Isoxazole-4-boronic acid

Catalog Number: ACM1008139250

CAS: 1008139-25-0
Molecular Weight: 112.9
Molecular Formula: C3H4BNO3


Catalog Number: ACM10081397

CAS: 10081-39-7
Molecular Weight: 551.68
Molecular Formula: C41H29NO


Catalog Number: ACM1008157

CAS: 1008-15-7
Molecular Weight: 179.603 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C9H6ClNO

Distillates(petroleum), heavy thermal cracked, polymd.

Catalog Number: ACM100815949

CAS: 100815-94-9

Antioxidant ky-405

Catalog Number: ACM10081671

CAS: 10081-67-1
Molecular Weight: 405.58
Molecular Formula: C30H31N


Catalog Number: ACM100817898

CAS: 100817-89-8


Catalog Number: ACM100817901

CAS: 100817-90-1


Catalog Number: ACM100820437

CAS: 100820-43-7
Molecular Weight: 164.1634
Molecular Formula: C8H8N2O2


Catalog Number: ACM100820835

CAS: 100820-83-5
Molecular Weight: 238.28446
Molecular Formula: C15H14N2O

Ethyl 6-methyl-1H-indole-3-carboxylate

Catalog Number: ACM100821485

CAS: 100821-48-5

Ethyl 6-chloro-1H-indole-3-carboxylate

Catalog Number: ACM100821509

CAS: 100821-50-9


Catalog Number: ACM100827778

CAS: 100827-77-8
Molecular Weight: 323.79
Molecular Formula: C15H14ClNO3S


Catalog Number: ACM100827790

CAS: 100827-79-0
Molecular Weight: 444.73
Molecular Formula: C17H15BrClNO4S


Catalog Number: ACM100827803

CAS: 100827-80-3
Molecular Weight: 362.83
Molecular Formula: C17H15ClN2O3S

(+/-)-3-(2-Carboxypiperazin-4-yl)-propyl-1-phosphonic acid

Catalog Number: ACM100828168

CAS: 100828-16-8
Molecular Weight: 252.2
Molecular Formula: C8H17N2O5P

(9H-Purin-6-ylamino)acetic acid

Catalog Number: ACM10082936

CAS: 10082-93-6
Molecular Weight: 193.16
Molecular Formula: C7H7N5O2
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