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Catalog Number: ACM100765

CAS: 100-76-5
Molecular Weight: 111.18
Molecular Formula: C7H13N


Catalog Number: ACM10076570

CAS: 10076-57-0
Molecular Weight: 216.36 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C13H28O2


Catalog Number: ACM1007712

CAS: 1007-71-2


Catalog Number: ACM1007721552

CAS: 1007721-55-2

2-(N-(4-Aminobenzoyl)anilino)ethyl-diethyl-methylazanium bromide

Catalog Number: ACM100773635

CAS: 100773-63-5
Molecular Weight: 406.36 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C20H28BrN3O

Corticosterone 21-sulfate potassium

Catalog Number: ACM100775233

CAS: 100775-23-3
Molecular Weight: 464.61406
Molecular Formula: C21H29KO7S


Catalog Number: ACM10077835

CAS: 10077-83-5
Molecular Weight: 382.327 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C19H25Cl2N3O

4-Aminoantipyrine N-carbamic acid methyl ester

Catalog Number: ACM10077960

CAS: 10077-96-0
Molecular Weight: 261.28
Molecular Formula: C13H15N3O3


Catalog Number: ACM100779917

CAS: 100779-91-7
Molecular Weight: 188.06g/mol
Molecular Formula: C7H10BrN

Perphenazine sulfoxide(100 mg)

Catalog Number: ACM10078258

CAS: 10078-25-8
Molecular Weight: 419.974
Molecular Formula: C21H26ClN3O2S

Prochlorperazine sulfoxide

Catalog Number: ACM10078270

CAS: 10078-27-0
Molecular Weight: 389.94
Molecular Formula: C20H24ClN3OS


Catalog Number: ACM1007840143

CAS: 1007840-14-3
Molecular Weight: 153.569060 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C6H4ClN3

(R)-2-(Fmoc-amino)-4-tritylsulfanyl-butyric acid

Catalog Number: ACM1007840621

CAS: 1007840-62-1
Molecular Weight: 599.75
Molecular Formula: C38H33NO4S

Ethyl 3-chloro-5-aminosulfonyl-1-methylpyrazole-4-carboxylate

Catalog Number: ACM100784267

CAS: 100784-26-7
Molecular Weight: 267.69
Molecular Formula: C7H10ClN3O4S

5-(Aminosulfonyl)-3-Chloro-1-Methyl-1H- Pyrazol

Catalog Number: ACM100784278

CAS: 100784-27-8
Molecular Weight: 253.66
Molecular Formula: C6H8ClN3O4S


Catalog Number: ACM10078463

CAS: 10078-46-3
Molecular Formula: C16H19NO4


Catalog Number: ACM1007847724

CAS: 1007847-72-4
Molecular Weight: 202.272200 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C12H10OS


Catalog Number: ACM1007847746

CAS: 1007847-74-6
Molecular Weight: 267.184740 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C12H11BrS


Catalog Number: ACM1007847768

CAS: 1007847-76-8
Molecular Weight: 300.223440 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C17H21BO2S


Catalog Number: ACM1007847804

CAS: 1007847-80-4
Molecular Weight: 194.230360 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C10H14N2O2
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