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6-(4-Methylphenyl)-6-oxohexanoic acid

Catalog Number: ACM100847969

CAS: 100847-96-9
Molecular Weight: 220.26
Molecular Formula: C13H16O3

Diphenyl oxide diphenyl ether biphenyloxide

Catalog Number: ACM100848

CAS: 100-84-8
Molecular Formula: C12H10O


Catalog Number: ACM100848702

CAS: 100848-70-2
Molecular Weight: 123.15
Molecular Formula: C7H9NO


Catalog Number: ACM100849374

CAS: 100849-37-4
Molecular Weight: 99.18
Molecular Formula: C6H7N


Catalog Number: ACM1008505370

CAS: 1008505-37-0
Molecular Weight: 222.25
Molecular Formula: C13H10N4


Catalog Number: ACM1008505734

CAS: 1008505-73-4
Molecular Weight: 286.16
Molecular Formula: C12H16BrNO2

Thiocyanic acid,2-methyl-3-oxobutyl ester(9ci)

Catalog Number: ACM100850702

CAS: 100850-70-2


Catalog Number: ACM1008526848

CAS: 1008526-84-8
Molecular Weight: 112.133120 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C4H8N4

1-Methyl-1 H-pyrazole-3,5-dicarboxylic acid diethyl ester

Catalog Number: ACM100852800

CAS: 100852-80-0
Molecular Weight: 226.23
Molecular Formula: C10H14N2O4

Dehydro aripiprazole hydrochloride

Catalog Number: ACM1008531609

CAS: 1008531-60-9
Molecular Weight: 482.83
Molecular Formula: C23H26Cl3N3O2

Camp-dependent protein kinase inhibitor-alpha(5-22)amide(human,mouse,rabbit,rat)

Catalog Number: ACM100853585

CAS: 100853-58-5
Molecular Weight: 1969.17
Molecular Formula: C84H137N29O26


Catalog Number: ACM1008562875

CAS: 1008562-87-5
Molecular Weight: 213.273460 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C11H19NO3

Copper(II) potassium chloride

Catalog Number: ACM10085764

CAS: 10085-76-4
Molecular Weight: 319.59
Molecular Formula: K2CuCl4.2H₂O

Ethyl2-[10-[3-(4-methylpiperazin-4-ium-1-yl)propyl]phenothiazin-2-yl]quinoline-4-carboxylate chloride

Catalog Number: ACM100857770

CAS: 100857-77-0
Molecular Weight: 575.164 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C32H35ClN4O2S

Benzoctamine hydrochloride

Catalog Number: ACM10085811

CAS: 10085-81-1
Molecular Weight: 285.81
Molecular Formula: C18H20ClN

(4s,7Ar)-1-[(2S)-6-(methoxymethoxy)-6-methyl-3-oxohept-4-yn-2-yl]-7a-methyl-octahydro-1H-inden-4-yl benzoate

Catalog Number: ACM100858217

CAS: 100858-21-7
Molecular Weight: 440.5717
Molecular Formula: C27H36O5


Catalog Number: ACM100859323

CAS: 100859-32-3
Molecular Weight: 156.5697
Molecular Formula: C6H5ClN2O


Catalog Number: ACM100859812

CAS: 100859-81-2
Molecular Weight: 163.65
Molecular Formula: C7H14ClNO


Catalog Number: ACM100859845

CAS: 100859-84-5
Molecular Weight: 156.57
Molecular Formula: C6H5N2OCl


Catalog Number: ACM100859889

CAS: 100859-88-9
Molecular Weight: 200.65
Molecular Formula: C6H5ClN4S
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