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2-{[(2,6-Dichlorophenyl)sulfonyl]amino}-4-(methylthio)butanoic acid

Catalog Number: ACM1009262718

CAS: 1009262-71-8
Molecular Weight: 358.26
Molecular Formula: C11H13Cl2NO4S2


Catalog Number: ACM100927023

CAS: 100927-02-3

tert-Butyl(R)-1-aminopropan-2-ylcarbamate hcl

Catalog Number: ACM100927104

CAS: 100927-10-4
Molecular Weight: 210.7
Molecular Formula: C8H19ClN2O2


Catalog Number: ACM100927137

CAS: 100927-13-7
Molecular Weight: 417.585 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C24H39N3O3

(2S)-2-[(4s,7Ar)-4-[(tert-butyldimethylsilyl)oxy]-7a-methyl-octahydro-1H-inden-1-yl]propyl 4-methylbenzene-1-sulfonate

Catalog Number: ACM100928049

CAS: 100928-04-9
Molecular Weight: 480.776
Molecular Formula: C26H44O4SSi

Dl-serinol hydrochloride

Catalog Number: ACM100929484

CAS: 100929-48-4
Molecular Weight: 127.57
Molecular Formula: C3H9NO2.HCl


Catalog Number: ACM100929495

CAS: 100929-49-5

[d-Ala2]met-enkephalin amide

Catalog Number: ACM100929508

CAS: 100929-50-8
Molecular Weight: 587.69
Molecular Formula: C28H37N5O7S

Naphthol as-gr phosphate disodium salt

Catalog Number: ACM100929519

CAS: 100929-51-9
Molecular Weight: 451.32
Molecular Formula: C22H16NO5PNa2


Catalog Number: ACM100929520

CAS: 100929-52-0
Molecular Weight: 1695.98
Molecular Formula: C80H122N22O19


Catalog Number: ACM100929542

CAS: 100929-54-2

D-Ala-2-leucine enkephalinamide acetate

Catalog Number: ACM100929553

CAS: 100929-55-3
Molecular Weight: 568.66
Molecular Formula: C29H40N6O6

Des-tyr1-leucine enkephalinamide acetate salt

Catalog Number: ACM100929575

CAS: 100929-57-5
Molecular Weight: 451.52
Molecular Formula: C21H33N5O6

[d-Ala2 D-leu5]-enkephalin

Catalog Number: ACM100929586

CAS: 100929-58-6
Molecular Weight: 587.69
Molecular Formula: C28H37N5O7S

Des-tyr1-methionine enkephalinamide*acet ate

Catalog Number: ACM100929597

CAS: 100929-59-7
Molecular Weight: 409.50
Molecular Formula: C18H27N5O4S


Catalog Number: ACM100929622

CAS: 100929-62-2
Molecular Weight: 665.75
Molecular Formula: C28H37N5O7S

D-Ala2-D-met5 enkephalinamide acetate

Catalog Number: ACM100929633

CAS: 100929-63-3
Molecular Weight: 586.70
Molecular Formula: C28H38N6O6S
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