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Catalog Number: ACM100954505

CAS: 100954-50-5
Molecular Weight: 319.15
Molecular Formula: C15H11BrO3

Benzothiophene-2-carboxylic acid cyclohexylamide

Catalog Number: ACM100955757

CAS: 100955-75-7
Molecular Weight: 259.366580 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C15H17NOS

1-(1H-Indol-3-ylmethyl)piperidine-4-carboxylic acid

Catalog Number: ACM100957764

CAS: 100957-76-4
Molecular Weight: 258.32
Molecular Formula: C15H18N2O2

1-Benzyl-3-(tert-butyl)-1H-pyrazole-5-carboxylic acid

Catalog Number: ACM100957855

CAS: 100957-85-5
Molecular Weight: 258.32
Molecular Formula: C15H18N2O2


Catalog Number: ACM10095804

CAS: 10095-80-4


Catalog Number: ACM100958734

CAS: 100958-73-4
Molecular Weight: 165.22
Molecular Formula: C7H7N3S

2-Methyl-3,5-dibromobenzoic acid

Catalog Number: ACM100958949

CAS: 100958-94-9
Molecular Formula: C8H6Br2O2

4-Methylcyclohexylamine hydrochloride

Catalog Number: ACM100959191

CAS: 100959-19-1
Molecular Weight: 149.66
Molecular Formula: C7H16ClN


Catalog Number: ACM100959340

CAS: 100959-34-0
Molecular Weight: 170.17
Molecular Formula: C7H10N2O3


Catalog Number: ACM100959522

CAS: 100959-52-2
Molecular Weight: 167.59564
Molecular Formula: C7H6ClN3


Catalog Number: ACM100959919

CAS: 100959-91-9
Molecular Weight: 142.18
Molecular Formula: C5H6N2OS


Catalog Number: ACM100960074

CAS: 100960-07-4
Molecular Weight: 133.15
Molecular Formula: C7H7N3

3-Amino-7-azaindole hydrochloride

Catalog Number: ACM100960085

CAS: 100960-08-5
Molecular Weight: 206.1
Molecular Formula: C7H7N3.2HCl

Ethyl 4-(chloromethyl)-1,3-thiazole-2-carboxylate

Catalog Number: ACM100960165

CAS: 100960-16-5
Molecular Weight: 205.66
Molecular Formula: C7H8ClNO2S


Catalog Number: ACM100960416

CAS: 100960-41-6
Molecular Formula: C7H10N2O3

2-(4-Cyano-benzylsulfanyl)benzoic acid

Catalog Number: ACM100961522

CAS: 100961-52-2
Molecular Weight: 269.32
Molecular Formula: C15H11NO2S


Catalog Number: ACM1009616

CAS: 1009-61-6
Molecular Weight: 162.18
Molecular Formula: C10H10O2
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