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Catalog Number: ACM100399142

CAS: 100399-14-2

11-Bromo-10-undecenoic acid

Catalog Number: ACM100399517

CAS: 100399-51-7
Molecular Weight: 263.171360 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C11H19BrO2


Catalog Number: ACM1004008

CAS: 1004-00-8
Molecular Weight: 159.64
Molecular Formula: C6H6ClNS

Cadmium chloridephosphate (Cd5Cl(PO4)3), manganese-doped

Catalog Number: ACM100402537

CAS: 100402-53-7
Molecular Weight: 355.246361


Catalog Number: ACM100402560

CAS: 100402-56-0
Molecular Weight: 164.16
Molecular Formula: C6H12O5

calcium; dihydroxy-oxo-silane; 3-triethoxysilylpropan-1-amine

Catalog Number: ACM100402753

CAS: 100402-75-3
Molecular Weight: 339.5469
Molecular Formula: C9H25CaNO6Si2

Silane, trimethoxy[3-(oxiranylmethoxy)propyl]-, reaction products with wollastonite (Ca(SiO3))

Catalog Number: ACM100402913

CAS: 100402-91-3
Molecular Formula: C9H20CaO8Si2

Yttrium oxide silicate (Y2O(SiO4)), cerium-doped

Catalog Number: ACM100403121

CAS: 100403-12-1
Molecular Weight: 631.8727
Molecular Formula: O12Si3Y4

Deoxyribonucleic acids,fish sperm

Catalog Number: ACM100403245

CAS: 100403-24-5
Molecular Weight: 227.192403;g/mol
Molecular Formula: C9H10FN3O3

Bisphenol a bissulfate disodium salt

Catalog Number: ACM10040445

CAS: 10040-44-5
Molecular Weight: 432.38
Molecular Formula: C15H14Na2O8S2

Nitrilotriacetic acid,disodium salt

Catalog Number: ACM10040849

CAS: 10040-84-9
Molecular Formula: C6H7N2O6


Catalog Number: ACM10040865

CAS: 10040-86-5
Molecular Weight: 222.63
Molecular Formula: C10H7ClN2O2


Catalog Number: ACM10040956

CAS: 10040-95-6
Molecular Weight: 174.20
Molecular Formula: C10H10N2O


Catalog Number: ACM10040989

CAS: 10040-98-9
Molecular Weight: 172.18g/mol
Molecular Formula: C10H8N2O


Catalog Number: ACM10041028

CAS: 10041-02-8
Molecular Weight: 160.17
Molecular Formula: C9H8N2O


Catalog Number: ACM10041062

CAS: 10041-06-2
Molecular Weight: 186.21
Molecular Formula: C11H10N2O
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