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Catalog Number: ACM1003887624

CAS: 1003887-62-4
Molecular Weight: 167.180203 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C9H10FNO


Catalog Number: ACM1003887646

CAS: 1003887-64-6
Molecular Weight: 365.464790 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C19H22F3NOSi


Catalog Number: ACM1003887657

CAS: 1003887-65-7
Molecular Weight: 395.53
Molecular Formula: C21H28F3NOSi

benzyl 2-(4-(pyridin-2-yl)benzyl)hydrazinecarboxylate

Catalog Number: ACM1003888365

CAS: 1003888-36-5
Molecular Weight: 333.383760 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C20H19N3O2


Catalog Number: ACM1003903

CAS: 1003-90-3
Molecular Weight: 123.2
Molecular Formula: C8H13N

Phenyl-pyrrolidin-1-yl-acetic acid

Catalog Number: ACM100390485

CAS: 100390-48-5
Molecular Weight: 205.25
Molecular Formula: C12H15NO2

4-(Pentanoylamino)benzoic acid

Catalog Number: ACM100390769

CAS: 100390-76-9
Molecular Formula: C12H15NO3

ethyl 3-amino-2-benzyl-3-oxopropanoat

Catalog Number: ACM100390918

CAS: 100390-91-8


Catalog Number: ACM1003922039

CAS: 1003922-03-9
Molecular Weight: 412.68
Molecular Formula: C22H44N4OS

D-(+)-Lactose 1-hydrate

Catalog Number: ACM10039266

CAS: 10039-26-6
Molecular Weight: 360.31
Molecular Formula: C12H22O11


Catalog Number: ACM100393199

CAS: 100393-19-9
Molecular Weight: 263.38
Molecular Formula: C13H13NOS2

Disodium phosphate dodecahydrate

Catalog Number: ACM10039324

CAS: 10039-32-4
Molecular Weight: 358.14
Molecular Formula: Na2HPO4?12(H₂O)

3-Amino-3-naphthalen-1-yl-propionic acid

Catalog Number: ACM100393417

CAS: 100393-41-7
Molecular Weight: 215.25
Molecular Formula: C13H13NO2


Catalog Number: ACM10039366

CAS: 10039-36-6

3-[(2-Naphthylsulfonyl)amino]propanoic acid

Catalog Number: ACM100394147

CAS: 100394-14-7
Molecular Weight: 279.312
Molecular Formula: C13H13NO4S


Catalog Number: ACM100395946

CAS: 100395-94-6


Catalog Number: ACM100396392

CAS: 100396-39-2
Molecular Weight: 212.33
Molecular Formula: C12H24N2O


Catalog Number: ACM100396881

CAS: 100396-88-1


Catalog Number: ACM100397964

CAS: 100397-96-4
Molecular Weight: 276.1321
Molecular Formula: C13H10BrNO
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