
Super High Wet Fastness Disperse Dyes

CatalogPatternProduct NameDepth
FastnesspH Range
DYE-DIS-0030Disperse Yellow SWF0.45%6-74-5554-6
DYE-DIS-0031Disperse Golden Yellow SWF-N1.3%6-74-54-554-6
DYE-DIS-0032Disperse Orange SWF1.8%6-74-54-554-5
DYE-DIS-0033Disperse Yellow Brown SWF2.1%74-54-554-5
DYE-DIS-0034Disperse Brill Scarlet SWF1.65%5-64-54-54-54-5
DYE-DIS-0035Disperse Scarlet SWF1.8%5-64-54-554-6
DYE-DIS-0036Disperse Brill Red2.2%5-64-54-54-54-5
DYE-DIS-0037Disperse Red SWF2%5-64-54-554-6
DYE-DIS-0038Disperse Deep Red SWF1.3%74-544-54-5
DYE-DIS-0039Disperse Deep Red SWF-N1.3%74-54-554-5
DYE-DIS-0040Disperse Rubine SWF1.2%74-54-54-54-4.5
DYE-DIS-0041Disperse Violet SWF2%6-74-54-54-54-4.5
DYE-DIS-0042Disperse Turquoise Blue SWF2.0%74-54-554-6
DYE-DIS-0043Disperse Royal Blue SWF-B1.9%74-54-554-4.5
DYE-DIS-0044Disperse Navy SWF3%6-74-54-54-54-4.5
DYE-DIS-0045Disperse Black SWF5%6-75554-4.5
DYE-DIS-0046Disperse Deep Black SWF5%6-74-54-54-54-4.5

Note: ◎-Very suitable ○-Suitable △-Less suitable × –Not suitable

  • This manual is for reference only, please do some small-scale tests before use in order to confirm the correct process and method. Alfa Chemistry will never be responsible for any disputes and liabilities arising therefrom. If in doubt, please contact us.

Alfa Chemistry is committed to becoming a first-class, low-carbon, environmentally friendly dye supplier. Our mission is to provide customers with full specifications of high-quality dyes. We are also constantly expanding our product database to meet the wide range of customer needs. You are welcomed to contact us for more super high wet fastness disperse dyes.

It is important to note that our products are for research use only and are not for clinical use.

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