
Pigment Orange 19

Catalog Number DYE-PIG-0524
CAS Number 5858-88-8
Synonyms Helio Orange TF, Suimei Orange SG
Molecular Weight 362.79
Molecular Formula C16H11ClN2O4S
Appearance Red orange powder
CI Number C.I.15990
Color brilliant red light orange
Lightfastness General
Main Molecular Structure Single azo
Oleic Acid Well
Preparation Method o-Chloroaniline diazotization, and 6-Hydroxynaphthalene-2-sulfonic acid coupling, and then with Barium chloride aqueous solution treatment dye suspension, and heated to 100 ℃, make its form Barium salt lake.
Properties In concentrated sulfuric acid for golden orange, orange after diluted for gold; In concentrated nitric acid for brown solution, and then into the red. Pigment aqueous solution with concentrated hydrochloric acid for golden orange; Join concentrated sodium hydroxide solution for brown light orange
Soap Micelle Bleeding Slightly

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