
Paprika Color Water Soluble 40,000 i.u.

Catalog Number DYE-NFC-0011
Solubility Stir before use. Can be added directly to product with fat base. But it is recommended to mix the Color with a small portion of the preparation before adding it to product.
Appearance Free flowing Liquid
Application Meat Product, Sausages, Snacks, Sauces
Shelf Life Approx 6 months, if kept under proper storage
Storage Protect from exposure to air, light & heat, Don't freeze
Color Strength 0.288-0.318 at OD 462 nm Dilution 1:1,00,000 in acetone
Hue Color varies from light pink-yellow to dark orange, depending on the food product and amount used. The darkest color occurs at a pH of 4.6.
Specific Gravity 0.93

It is important to note that our products are for research use only and are not for clinical use.

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