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Catalog Number: ACM100005230

CAS: 100005-23-0
Molecular Weight: 244.32
Molecular Formula: C13H12N2OS

4-(4-Amino-2-fluorophenyl)piperazine,n1-boc protected

Catalog Number: ACM1000053235

CAS: 1000053-23-5
Molecular Weight: 295.3525
Molecular Formula: C15H22FN3O2


Catalog Number: ACM100005796

CAS: 100005-79-6
Molecular Formula: C12H9NS


Catalog Number: ACM1000058150

CAS: 1000058-15-0
Molecular Weight: 269.34156;g/mol
Molecular Formula: C16H19N3O

Para Nitro Chloro Benzene (PNCB)

Catalog Number: ACM100006

CAS: 100-00-6

2-Borono-4-methoxy-1H-indole-1-carboxylic acid 1-(1,1-dimethylethyl)ester

Catalog Number: ACM1000068234

CAS: 1000068-23-4
Molecular Weight: 291.107420 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C14H18BNO5

2-Borono-7-chloro-1H-indole-1-carboxylic acid 1-(1,1-dimethylethyl)ester

Catalog Number: ACM1000068245

CAS: 1000068-24-5
Molecular Weight: 295.526500 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C13H15BClNO4

2-Borono-4-fluoro-1H-indole-1-carboxylic acid 1-(1,1-dimethylethyl)ester

Catalog Number: ACM1000068256

CAS: 1000068-25-6
Molecular Weight: 279.071903 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C13H15BFNO4

1H-Indole-1-carboxylic acid,2-borono-6-fluoro-,1-(1,1-dimethylethyl)ester

Catalog Number: ACM1000068267

CAS: 1000068-26-7
Molecular Formula: C13H15BFNO4


Catalog Number: ACM1000068427

CAS: 1000068-42-7

7-Fluoro-1H-indole-2-boronic acid,N-boc protected

Catalog Number: ACM1000068654

CAS: 1000068-65-4
Molecular Weight: 279.0735
Molecular Formula: C13H15BFNO4

2-Borono-7-methyl-1H-indole-1-carboxylic acid 1-(1,1-dimethylethyl)ester

Catalog Number: ACM1000068665

CAS: 1000068-66-5
Molecular Weight: 275.108020 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C14H18BNO4


Catalog Number: ACM100007407

CAS: 100007-40-7
Molecular Weight: 582.694
Molecular Formula: C31H42N4O7


Catalog Number: ACM100007612

CAS: 100007-61-2
Molecular Formula: C9H16 N4 O


Catalog Number: ACM100007623

CAS: 100007-62-3
Molecular Weight: 139.194920 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C8H13NO


Catalog Number: ACM100010024

CAS: 100010-02-4


Catalog Number: ACM100013078

CAS: 100013-07-8
Molecular Weight: 266.20
Molecular Formula: C18H32BLi


Catalog Number: ACM10001431

CAS: 10001-43-1
Molecular Weight: 314.347
Molecular Formula: C15H18N6O2

Benzothiophene-4-boronic acid pinacol ester

Catalog Number: ACM1000160757

CAS: 1000160-75-7
Molecular Weight: 260.16
Molecular Formula: C14H17BO2S
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