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Methyl 3-amino-5-phenylthiophene-2-carboxylate

Catalog Number: ACM100063227

CAS: 100063-22-7
Molecular Weight: 233.28
Molecular Formula: C12H11NO2S


Catalog Number: ACM100063249

CAS: 100063-24-9
Molecular Weight: 265.35
Molecular Formula: C12H11NO2S2


Catalog Number: ACM100063556

CAS: 100063-55-6
Molecular Weight: 911.40600
Molecular Formula: C32H23CuN12O9S4

2-[[[2-[(Hydroxymethyl)[2-[(1-oxoisononyl)amino]ethyl]amino]ethyl]amino]carbonyl]benzoic acid

Catalog Number: ACM100063567

CAS: 100063-56-7
Molecular Weight: 421.530400 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C22H35N3O5


Catalog Number: ACM100063578

CAS: 100063-57-8
Molecular Weight: 273.154380 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C9H7Cl2KO3

Calcium 2-[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthyl)azo]-5-methylbenzenesulfonate

Catalog Number: ACM100063590

CAS: 100063-59-0
Molecular Weight: 722.800240 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C34H26CaN4O8S2

2-[[[2-[(Hydroxymethyl)[2-[(1-oxoallyl)amino]ethyl]amino]ethyl]amino]carbonyl]benzoic acid

Catalog Number: ACM100063603

CAS: 100063-60-3
Molecular Weight: 335.355040 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C16H21N3O5

2-[2-[2-[[2-(2-Hydroxyethylcarbamoyl)benzoyl]amino]ethyl-(hydroxymethyl)amino]ethylcarbamoyl]benzoic acid

Catalog Number: ACM100063614

CAS: 100063-61-4
Molecular Weight: 472.49102
Molecular Formula: C23H28N4O7

1-Benzyl-2-amino-3-tert-butoxycarbonyl-4,5-dimethylpyrrole 95%

Catalog Number: ACM100066793

CAS: 100066-79-3
Molecular Weight: 300.40
Molecular Formula: C18H24N2O2


Catalog Number: ACM10006743

CAS: 10006-74-3
Molecular Weight: 138.17
Molecular Formula: C7H10N2O


Catalog Number: ACM1000684069

CAS: 1000684-06-9
Molecular Weight: 181.02
Molecular Formula: C5H6Cl2N2O


Catalog Number: ACM1000700

CAS: 1000-70-0
Molecular Weight: 186.4 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C7H18N2Si2


Catalog Number: ACM1000700264

CAS: 1000700-26-4
Molecular Weight: 566.1
Molecular Formula: C28H20ClNO4S3

P-Methoxybenzoyl chloride

Catalog Number: ACM1000702

CAS: 100-07-02


Catalog Number: ACM100070437

CAS: 100070-43-7
Molecular Weight: 403.5182
Molecular Formula: C28H25N3


Catalog Number: ACM100070664

CAS: 100070-66-4


Catalog Number: ACM100070686

CAS: 100070-68-6
Molecular Weight: 169.267260 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C14H19NO4;Sequence:Z-Leu-OH(oil)


Catalog Number: ACM100071907

CAS: 100071-90-7
Molecular Weight: 36.46094;g/mol
Molecular Formula: ClH

4-N-Maleimidophenyl butanoic acid

Catalog Number: ACM100072546

CAS: 100072-54-6
Molecular Formula: C14H13NO4
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