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Catalog Number: ACM100114327

CAS: 100114-32-7
Molecular Formula: C4H8N4


Catalog Number: ACM100114372

CAS: 100114-37-2
Molecular Weight: 157.60082
Molecular Formula: C6H8ClN3


Catalog Number: ACM100114418

CAS: 100114-41-8
Molecular Weight: 172.21
Molecular Formula: C6H8N2O2S


Catalog Number: ACM100114496

CAS: 100114-49-6
Molecular Formula: C5H9N


Catalog Number: ACM100114576

CAS: 100114-57-6
Molecular Weight: 108.14
Molecular Formula: C6H8N2


Catalog Number: ACM100114587

CAS: 100114-58-7
Molecular Weight: 124.140520 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C6H8N2O


Catalog Number: ACM100114689

CAS: 100114-68-9
Molecular Weight: 184.15272;g/mol
Molecular Formula: C6H8N4O3

1-(N-Methoxycarbonyl)indole-2-boronic acid

Catalog Number: ACM1001162895

CAS: 1001162-89-5
Molecular Weight: 219.01
Molecular Formula: C10H10BNO4

Ethyl 3,5-dimethylbenzoylformate

Catalog Number: ACM100117622

CAS: 100117-62-2
Molecular Weight: 206.24
Molecular Formula: C12H14O3

4-(4-Methoxy-phenyl)-3-oxo-butyric acid methyl ester

Catalog Number: ACM100117848

CAS: 100117-84-8
Molecular Weight: 222.2402
Molecular Formula: C12H14O4


Catalog Number: ACM1001185881

CAS: 1001185-88-1
Molecular Weight: 282.163560 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C13H19BO4S


Catalog Number: ACM100119173

CAS: 100119-17-3
Molecular Weight: 236.7
Molecular Formula: C12H13ClN2O

4-Phenyltetrahydropyran-4-carbonyl chloride,95%

Catalog Number: ACM100119457

CAS: 100119-45-7
Molecular Weight: 224.69
Molecular Formula: C12H13ClO2

Cyclobutyl 4-methoxyphenyl ketone

Catalog Number: ACM100121800

CAS: 100121-80-0
Molecular Weight: 190.24
Molecular Formula: C12H14O2

Ethyl 5-bromo-3-formyl-1H-indole-2-carboxylate

Catalog Number: ACM100123259

CAS: 100123-25-9
Molecular Weight: 296.1199
Molecular Formula: C12H10BrNO3

Phenoxathiin-4-boronic acid

Catalog Number: ACM100124070-1

CAS: 100124-07-0
Molecular Weight: 244.08
Molecular Formula: C12H9BO3S


Catalog Number: ACM100125595

CAS: 100125-59-5
Molecular Weight: 162.22672;g/mol
Molecular Formula: C8H18O3

Hexanimidic acid ethyl ester

Catalog Number: ACM1001258

CAS: 1001-25-8
Molecular Weight: 143.22668
Molecular Formula: C8H17NO

Butyl 5-bromo-2-hydroxybenzoate

Catalog Number: ACM100126054

CAS: 100126-05-4
Molecular Weight: 273.123120 [g/mol]
Molecular Formula: C11H13BrO3
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