
Preparation of Polycaprolactone Nanosheets Using Flow Reactors

Polycaprolactone (PCL) nanomaterial is a nanoscale material made of polycaprolactone (PCL), a synthetic polymer material with good biocompatibility. This material shows broad application potential in many fields due to its good properties. First of all, PCL nanomaterials have broad application prospects in the biomedical field. PCL has good mechanical properties and biological stability, and can interact well with biological tissues, so it can be used as a scaffold material in tissue engineering to promote cell growth and tissue regeneration. Secondly, PCL nanomaterials can also be used in drug delivery systems to achieve sustained and stable release of drugs by controlling the release rate and release time of drugs, thereby improving drug efficacy and reducing side effects. In addition, PCL nanofiber materials also have potential application value in the fields of filtration and separation.

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Anisotropic nanomaterials have received widespread attention for their potential applications in drug delivery, surface modification, and composite reinforcement. Crystallization-driven self-assembly (CDSA) is an effective way to obtain anisotropically structured nanomaterials such as 2D nanosheet structures. Among them, living crystallization-driven self-assembly (living-CDSA) controls the epitaxial crystal growth of seed micelles by controlling the amount of polymer solution added (unimer), which can effectively adjust the size of the two-dimensional sheet structure. However, current preparation methods for sheet-like structures are limited by low concentration and small scale, resulting in inefficiency, limiting their potential in commercial applications. To address this limitation, conducting living-CDSA in a continuous flow reactor is a potential method to improve the production efficiency of 2D nanosheet-like micelles. Under set parameters, the continuous flow reaction system can continuously produce, which can ensure consistent product quality and avoid changes or differences between batches during scale-up.

Effect of continuous flow reactor temperature on the size of two-dimensional sheet-like micelles(ACS Macro Letters 12.12 (2023): 1636-1641.)

For the first time, some researchers conducted living-CDSA in a continuous flow reactor to continuously prepare polycaprolactone (PCL) nanosheets while maintaining the same parameters. The researchers carried out the epitaxial growth of nanosheets in a continuous flow reactor and systematically explored the influence of parameters in the continuous flow reaction system on the morphology of nanosheets. The researchers first explored the effect of temperature by controlling the continuous flow reactor at different temperatures. Studies have shown that higher temperatures can improve the uniformity of epitaxial growth sheets, because higher temperatures can reduce the crystallization rate of polymers, allowing enough time for the unimer and the initial nanosheets to mix evenly. Secondly, higher temperatures can promote interlayer diffusion in laminar flow systems and also help the system to be mixed evenly.

At the same time, the researchers hope to create turbulence in the mixer by increasing the flow rate, further improving the mixing efficiency and increasing the uniformity of the tablets. However, the research results show that increasing the flow rate does not have a significant impact on the uniformity of the tablets. This may be because the continuous flow reaction system has already achieved a good mixing effect, and the increase in flow rate does not significantly improve the mixing effect.

With the easy-to-operate characteristics of the continuous flow reaction system, the addition amount can be adjusted by controlling the unimer flow rate and the size of the two-dimensional nanosheets can be further controlled. The results show that the size of the nanosheets can be effectively adjusted by controlling the flow rate of the unimer. There is a good linear relationship between the amount of added unimer and the area of the flakes. This result is consistent with the results obtained by the traditional kettle reaction.

After exploring the effects of reaction parameters, epitaxial growth of one-dimensional seeds was carried out in a continuous flow reactor. However, during the epitaxial growth process, since the activity of one-dimensional seeds is lower than that of two-dimensional nanosheets, self-nucleation of unimers can be observed in the system. The researchers reduced the probability of self-nucleation by reducing the concentration of unimer in the living-CDSA system. Since then, the researchers designed a series continuous flow reaction system to adjust the size of the nanosheets and achieved good linear fitting results. It is worth mentioning that the continuous flow reactor can continuously prepare two-dimensional nanosheets and prepare 20 times the mass of nanosheet materials. The results show that its uniformity is only slightly higher than that of nanosheets in small-batch tank reactions.

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