Amino Acids


Catalog Number: ACM313232632-1

CAS: 313232-63-2
Molecular Weight: 568.62

Boc-His(Boc)-OH . DCHA

Catalog Number: ACM31687588

CAS: 31687-58-8
Molecular Weight: 355.39

β-Alanine methyl ester hydrochloride

Catalog Number: ACM3196734

CAS: 3196-73-4
Molecular Weight: 139.58
Molecular Formula: NH2CH2CH2COOCH3 · HCl

L-Methionine sulfoxide

Catalog Number: ACM3226651

CAS: 3226-65-1
Molecular Weight: 165.21

D-Cysteine hydrochloride monohydrate

Catalog Number: ACM32443995

CAS: 32443-99-5
Molecular Weight: 175.63
Molecular Formula: HSCH2CH(NH2)COOH · HCl · H2O


Catalog Number: ACM3262724

CAS: 3262-72-4
Molecular Weight: 205.21


Catalog Number: ACM328392-1

CAS: 328-39-2
Molecular Weight: 131.17
Molecular Formula: (CH3)2CHCH2CH(NH2)CO2H


Catalog Number: ACM32926435

CAS: 32926-43-5
Molecular Weight: 497.58


Catalog Number: ACM3303842

CAS: 3303-84-2
Molecular Weight: 189.21

Boc-β-(2-furyl)-D-Ala-OH (dicyclohexylammonium) salt

Catalog Number: ACM331730097-1

CAS: 331730-09-7
Molecular Weight: 436.58

4-(Boc-aminomethyl)benzoic acid

Catalog Number: ACM33233679-1

CAS: 33233-67-9
Molecular Weight: 251.28
Molecular Formula: (CH3)3CO2CNHCH2C6H4CO2H


Catalog Number: ACM333973516-1

CAS: 333973-51-6
Molecular Weight: 532.63

L-β-Homomethionine hydrochloride

Catalog Number: ACM336182071-1

CAS: 336182-07-1
Molecular Weight: 199.7


Catalog Number: ACM338692-1

CAS: 338-69-2
Molecular Weight: 89.09
Molecular Formula: CH3CH(NH2)CO2H


Catalog Number: ACM339531509

CAS: 339531-50-9
Molecular Weight: 480.55


Catalog Number: ACM34306428

CAS: 34306-42-8
Molecular Weight: 203.24


Catalog Number: ACM343770230

CAS: 343770-23-0
Molecular Weight: 610.74
Molecular Formula: C40H38N2O4


Catalog Number: ACM34404303

CAS: 34404-30-3
Molecular Weight: 337.37


Catalog Number: ACM34582326

CAS: 34582-32-6
Molecular Weight: 289.32

L-Cysteine hydrochloride hydrate

Catalog Number: ACM345909322-1

CAS: 345909-32-2
Molecular Weight: 157.62 (anhydrous basis)
Molecular Formula: HSCH2CH(NH2)CO2H·HCl·xH2O
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