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HAT-CN; 1,4,5,8,9,11-Hexaazatriphenylenehexacarbonitrile; Dipyrazino[2,3-f:2',3'-h]quinoxaline-2,3,6,7,10,11-hexacarbonitrile
Yellow solid

Preparation of High-Efficiency Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Using Hexaazatriphenylenehexacarbonitrile

Su N, et al. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2020, 8(22), 7411-7416.

Three S atom contained ligands dpdtc, medtc and cf3dtc were applied for three four-membered red Ir(III) complexes (tfmpqz)2Ir(dpdtc), (tfmpqz)2Ir(medtc) and (tfmpqz)2Ir(cf3dtc), in which tfmpqz was used as the main ligand. In order to explore the electroluminescence (EL) performances of three Ir(III) complexes, the double emissive-layer OLEDs with the structure of ITO/ HATCN (hexaazatriphenylenehexacabonitrile) / TAPC ((bis(4-(N,N-ditolylamino)phenyl)cyclohexane)/ Ir(III) complexes were fabricated.
The OLEDs device structure
· HATCN and LiF were served as hole-and electron-injecting layers, respectively.
· TAPC and TmPyPB acted as hole- and electron transport media, respectively.
· TCTA was utilized as host material due to its compatible energy level and excellent hole transport properties.
· Simultaneously, another host material 26DCzppy was also added into the devices due to its prominent bipolar properties.
· TCTA (ET = 2.82 eV) and 26DCzPPy (ET = 2.71 eV) have high triplet energy levels. Therefore, it is beneficial for the carrier balance in emitting layer (EML).

Preparation of Organic Light-Emitting Devices with Structures of ITO/HATCN/TAPC/Iridium Complexes

Su N, et al. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2019, 7(23), 6972-6977.

Two complexes (tfmpqz)2Ir(opss) and (tfmpqz)2Ir(onss) with an Ir-S-P-S four-membered ring structure were rapidly obtained within 5 minutes at room temperature. Using these two complexes as dopants, organic light-emitting devices with the structure of ITO/HATCN/TAPC/iridium complexes were further prepared to evaluate the electroluminescence (EL) properties of the two Ir(III) complexes. The results show that due to the larger conjugation degree of the (tfmpqz)Ir(onss) complex, its device exhibits better device performance.
The composition of OLED devices
· HATCN (hexaazatriphenylenehexacabonitrile, 5 nm) and LiF (1 nm) are served as hole- and electron-injecting interface modified materials, respectively.
· The TAPC ((bis(4-(N,Nditolylamino)phenyl)cyclohexane, 30 nm) material with high HOMO level (-5.5 eV) is acted as hole-transport media.
· While TmPyPB B (1,3,5-tri((3-pyridyl)-phen-3-yl)benzene, 30 nm) with low LUMO level (-2.7 eV) is applied as electron-transport material.
· 26DCzppy is utilized as host material due to its bipolar properties. Thus Ir(III) complexes are completely included in 26DCzppy, and the energy transfer from the host to Ir(III) complex is more efficient in the emitting layer (EML).

July 26, 2024

Enhancing OLED performance with HAT-CN
I recently used Hexaazatriphenylenehexacabonitrile (HAT-CN) from Alfa Chemistry in my research on organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) and was extremely impressed with the results. By utilizing HAT-CN as a hole injection layer (HIL) material, I was able to significantly boost the performance of my solution-processed OLEDs. Not only did the devices show higher external quantum efficiency, current efficiency, and power efficiency compared to PEDOT:PSS-based devices, but HAT-CN also proved to be a novel alternative with its efficient carrier-injection capability and ability to prevent interfacial mixing and erosion during fabrication. I highly recommend HAT-CN for anyone working in the science research field looking to enhance their OLED technology.

What is the molecular formula of HAT-CN?

The molecular formula of HAT-CN is C18N12.

What is the molecular weight of HAT-CN?

The molecular weight of HAT-CN is 384.3 g/mol.

What are some synonyms for HAT-CN?

Some synonyms for HAT-CN include Hexaazatriphenylenehexacabonitrile and Dipyrazino[2,3-f:2',3'-h]quinoxalinehexacarbonitrile.

When was HAT-CN created and last modified?

HAT-CN was created on October 26, 2006, and last modified on December 30, 2023.

What is the IUPAC name of HAT-CN?

The IUPAC name of HAT-CN is 3,6,9,12,15,18-hexazatetracyclo[ 2,7 .0 8,13 ]octadeca-1(18),2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16-nonaene-4,5,10,11,16,17-hexacarbonitrile.

What is the InChIKey of HAT-CN?


How many hydrogen bond acceptors does HAT-CN have?

HAT-CN has 12 hydrogen bond acceptors.

What is the exact mass of HAT-CN?

The exact mass of HAT-CN is 384.03688805 g/mol.

How many heavy atoms are present in HAT-CN?

HAT-CN has 30 heavy atoms.

Is HAT-CN a canonicalized compound?

Yes, HAT-CN is a canonicalized compound according to PubChem.

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