
Using Photochemical Strategies to Reduce Carbon Dioxide to Formate

The increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere is one of the main reasons for the greenhouse effect, which can bring catastrophic climate change issues. On the other hand, the indispensable fossil fuels in human production and life will also face depletion in the near future. To simultaneously address these two serious challenges, using sunlight to convert CO2 into usable fuel is considered a win-win approach. The use of different strategies for CO2 reduction reaction (CO2RR) has been a research topic of great concern worldwide.

Recently, some researchers proposed a CO2RR catalyst system without transition metals. The system uses a benzimidazole-based organic hydride catalyst for the CO2RR process under visible light conditions, and uses carbazole-based compounds as photosensitizers to regenerate the benzimidazole. The system has a turnover number (TON) of over 8000 and does not produce other reduction products such as H2, CO or oxalate.

Firstly, researchers noticed that BIH, as a strong reducing agent, has the potential to reduce CO2. In order to enable the regeneration cycle of BIH in the photoreaction system, researchers studied the photochemical reduction process of BI+(I-) (the oxidation product of BIH). BI+(I-) requires a highly reducing photosensitizer to provide electrons to reduce it. Through a series of screening, the researchers selected carbazole compounds as photosensitizers (excited state oxidation potential -2.75 vs. SCE), vitamin C as electron donor, and photocatalytic reduction of BI+(I-) to its reduced state BIH. Under visible light irradiation for 15 minutes, the yield of BIH was 66%. In addition, researchers also studied the stability of BI+(I-) and BIH systems. After 20 hours of irradiation under the same conditions, the total molar amounts of BI+(I-) and BIH remained almost unchanged before and after the reaction. This result indicates that BI+(I-) and BIH have sufficient stability to withstand long-term catalytic cycles.

Using Photochemical Strategies to Reduce Carbon Dioxide to Formate

In order to further elucidate the reaction mechanism, the researchers conducted the following research on the mechanism of the CO2RR process: (1) When using 13C-labeled CO2 for experiments, 13C-labeled formate was generated. This experimental fact proves that formate is indeed converted from CO2. (2) Using time-resolved spectroscopy, it is possible to explore the process of electron movement in the carbazole photosensitizer after absorbing light. The results showed that after absorbing light, the carbazole photosensitizer transferred electrons to the catalyst and CO2, respectively, on a nanosecond to microsecond time scale. (3) After CO2 accepts electrons from the carbazole photosensitizer, it is transformed into CO2radical anion. The computational analysis of the subsequent conversion of the CO2 radical anion to formate showed that the CO2 radical anion and the catalyst underwent hydrogen atom exchange to form formate. (4) Dehydrovitamin C (an oxidation product of vitamin C) can also act as a reducing agent, indicating that each molecule of vitamin C can donate 4 electrons in this CO2RR process.

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