
High Performance Liquid Chromatography Platform

Alfa Chemistry provides comprehensive information about high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), its applications, benefits, and the advanced features of our HPLC instruments. Our HPLC platform is designed to deliver superior performance, reliability, and accuracy for a wide range of analytical applications.

How HPLC Works

HPLC is a widely adopted analytical technique for the separation, identification, and quantification of a broad range of chemical compounds. In HPLC, a liquid mobile phase carries a sample mixture through a stationary phase column. The differential partitioning of analytes between the mobile and stationary phases causes the sample components to separate as they pass through the column. Sensitive detectors, such as UV-Vis absorbance or mass spectrometry, then identify and quantify the separated analytes.

Our HPLC Platform

Our advanced chromatography platform combines high-resolution separations, sensitive detection, and intuitive software to deliver unmatched analytical performance.The PuriFlash 5.050 is a unique instrument that successfully performs preparative and rapid purifications from normal to reversed phase with reusable columns.

Key features include:

  • Flow rate 250 mL/min, max pressure 50 bar.
  • Quaternary or binary solvent delivery systems for complex gradient separations.
  • Diode array, fluorescence, and/or mass spectrometry detectors for selective and quantitative analysis.
  • Automated sample handling and temperature control for improved reproducibility.
  • Compatibility with a wide variety of column chemistries and dimensions.
  • Powerful data analysis software with built-in methods for common applications.

Our Services Provided

Our HPLC Platform offers a wide range of testing services to meet the diverse needs of various industries.

Pharmaceutical Analysis

a. Drug Purity and Potency Testing - To ensure the purity and correct dosage of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs).

b. Impurity Profiling - To detect and quantify impurities and degradation products.

c. Bioequivalence Studies - To compare the bioavailability of different formulations.

Fig.1 Representation of fluorescent derivatizing agents used in steroid analysis by HPLC-FLD.Figure 1. Analysis of steroids in clinical, pharmaceutical, and environmental samples by HPLC-FLD.

Chemical and Petrochemical Analysis

a. Polymer Analysis - To characterize and quantify monomers, additives, and degradation products in polymers.

b. Petrochemical Product Testing - To analyze the composition and quality of petrochemical products.

c. Catalyst Analysis - To determine the composition and activity of catalysts.

Biotechnology and Life Sciences

a. Protein and Peptide Analysis - To separate and quantify proteins and peptides.

b. Nucleic Acid Analysis

Purpose: To analyze and purify nucleic acids (DNA, RNA).

c. Metabolomics - To analyze small molecules and metabolites.

Specialty Testing

a. Phytochemical Analysis - To identify and quantify bioactive compounds in plants.

b. Forensic Analysis - To analyze chemical evidence in forensic investigations.

c. Cosmetic Testing - To ensure the safety and efficacy of cosmetic products.

Custom Testing Services

We understand that each client has unique needs. Therefore, we offer customized testing services tailored to specific requirements. Our team of experts works closely with clients to develop and validate methods that meet their exact needs.

We are dedicated to providing high-quality testing services with precision, accuracy, and reliability using our advanced HPLC platform. For more information about our HPLC platform or to discuss your specific testing needs, please contact us.


  1. High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) with Fluorescence Detection for Quantification of Steroids in Clinical, Pharmaceutical, and Environmental Samples: A Review. Molecules (2022).
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