
Gel Permeation Chromatograph Platform

Welcome to our comprehensive resource page on our company's gel permeation chromatograph (GPC) platform. Here, you will find detailed information about GPC, its applications, advantages, and how our platform stands out in delivering top-notch solutions for your polymer analysis needs.

How GPC Works

GPC, also known as size exclusion chromatography (SEC), is a powerful analytical technique used to characterize the molecular weight distribution of polymers.

Fig.1 Simplified GPC illustration.Figure 1. GPC illustration and example showing that molecule A size > molecule B size, and molecule B PDI > molecule A PDI.

GPC separates molecules based on their size as they pass through a porous polymer gel matrix within a chromatography column. Smaller molecules penetrate deeper into the porous gel beads and thus take longer to elute, while larger molecules that cannot enter the pores pass through the column more quickly. This size-based separation allows the molecular weight distribution of a polymer sample to be determined by comparing its elution profile to that of standard samples of known molecular weight.

Our Cutting-Edge GPC Platform

Our state-of-the-art EcoSEC GPC/IEC platform combines high-resolution chromatography, advanced detection systems, and powerful data analysis software to provide unparalleled insight into material properties.

Key features include:

  • An all-in-one system designed to include a dual-flow refractive index (RI) detector for unrivaled baseline stability.
  • Highly sensitive, multi-angle light scattering (MALS) and RI detectors for accurate absolute molecular weight determination.
  • Temperature-controlled dual pumps for excellent flow rate accuracy, unaffected by changes in laboratory temperature.
  • Intuitive software with built-in methods for common polymer and biopolymer applications.
  • Compatible with a wide range of organic and aqueous mobile phases.

Our Services Provided

Molecular Weight Distribution Analysis

Our GPC platform provides precise measurements of molecular weight averages (Mn, Mw, Mz) and polydispersity index (PDI), helping you to:

  • Evaluate polymer synthesis processes.
  • Optimize product formulations.
  • Assess the impact of processing conditions on polymer properties.

Polymer Composition Analysis

We offer detailed analysis of polymer composition, including copolymer composition and block copolymer characterization, helping you to:

  • Determining the ratio of monomer units in copolymers.
  • Identifying the sequence distribution in block copolymers.
  • Understanding the structure-property relationships in complex polymers.

Polymer Degradation and Stability Studies

Our GPC platform is ideal for studying polymer degradation and stability under various conditions. We provide services to:

Monitor changes in molecular weight distribution over time.

  • Assess the impact of environmental factors (temperature, UV exposure, etc.) on polymer stability.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of stabilizers and additives in polymer formulations.

Biopolymer Analysis

GPC is widely used for the analysis of biopolymers such as proteins, polysaccharides, and nucleic acids. Our services include:

  • Determination of molecular weight and size distribution.
  • Analysis of aggregation and oligomerization states.
  • Characterization of glycosylation patterns and other post-translational modifications.

For more information about our GPC platform and how it can benefit your polymer analysis needs, please contact us. Explore the potential of our GPC platform and elevate your polymer analysis to new heights. We look forward to partnering with you in your journey towards scientific excellence and innovation.


  1. Effects of Caffeine and Chlorogenic Acid on Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis in Mice Induced by Choline-Deficient, L-Amino Acid-Defined, High-Fat Diet. Prime Archives in Nutrition (2021).
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