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A-485 is a potent and selective HAT inhibitor of p300/CBP in vitro with an IC50 of 10 nM in a p300 TR-FRET assay and 3 nM in a CBP TR-FRET assay with selectivity > 1000-fold over closely related HATs. SPR data indicates potent binding to p300 (KD=15 nM). In PC-3 cells A-485 reduces H3K27ac with IC50 of 73 nM while not affecting H3K9ac levels. Inhibition of cellular proliferation is observed in several cancer cell types, most notably AR+ prostate, multiple myeloma, and NHL. A-486 is a suitable control with 1000-fold higher IC50 in the p300 TR-FRET assay.
A-485; A 485; A485
Canonical SMILES
InChI Key
Soluble in DMSO
Solid powder
Shelf Life
>2 years if stored properly
Dry, dark and at 0-4 °C for short term (days to weeks) or -20 °C for long term (months to years).
Biological Target
A-485 is a catalytic inhibitor of p300/CBP with IC50s of 9.8 nM and 2.6 nM for p300 and CBP histone acetyltransferase (HAT), respectively.
Drug Formulation
This drug may be formulated in DMSO
Elemental Analysis
C, 55.97; H, 4.51; F, 14.17; N, 10.44; O, 14.91
Exact Mass
HS Tariff Code
In Vitro Activity
Consistent with immunoblotting data (Figure 4), A-485 reduces overall H3K27ac peak intensity in MCF-7 cells (Figure 5A,B). In analyzing the ChIP-seq dataset, this study divided the H3K27ac peaks into four groups (peak types): All Peaks (AP, all detected peaks), Lost Peaks (LP, DMSO unique peaks), Shared Peaks (SP, peaks detected in both DMSO and A-485), and Gained Peaks (GP, A-485 unique peaks) (Figure 5A). In total, 36,352 H3K27ac peaks are detected, among which the number of LPs and SPs is similar, while there are fewer GPs (~8000). A-485 markedly reduces H3K27ac peak intensity in LPs but only has a small effect on SPs (Figure 5B).
Reference: Cancers (Basel). 2021 Jun; 13(11): 2799. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8200112/
In Vivo Activity
To investigate the in vivo metabolic properties of A-485, 8-week-old C57BL/6 mice fed with NCD were intraperitoneally administrated with A-485 (20 mg · kg-1 · day-1) for 1 week. A-485-administered mice displayed significantly lower body weight compared with vehicle-administered mice after treatment for 3 days (Fig. 1a). However, food intake was comparable between vehicle- and A-485-administered mice (Fig. S1a). No significant changes were observed for the oxygen consumption (VO2), carbon dioxide (VCO2) production, and respiratory exchange ratios (RER) in mice after A-485 administration (Fig. S1b-d). A-485 decreased total fat mass by ~14%, without affecting total lean mass (Fig. 1b, c). These results indicate that A-485-induced weight loss is attributable to decreased fat mass.
Reference: Cell Death Dis. 2020 Sep; 11(9): 745. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7486386/
Shipped under ambient temperature as non-hazardous chemical. This product is stable enough for a few weeks during ordinary shipping and time spent in Customs.
Stock Solution Storage
0-4 °C for short term (days to weeks), or -20 °C for long term (months).
Alfa Chemistry

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