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BAY-2402234 is a potent and selective dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHODH) inhibitor for the treatment of myeloid malignancies. BAY 2402234 is a selective low-nanomolar inhibitor of human DHODH enzymatic activity. In vitro, it potently inhibits proliferation of AML cell lines in the sub-nanomolar to low-nanomolar range. BAY 2402234 induces differentiation of AML cell lines also in a sub-nanomolar to low-nanomolar range, demonstrating the anticipated mode of action in cellular mechanistic assays. In vivo, BAY 2402234 exhibits strong in vivo anti-tumor efficacy in monotherapy in several subcutaneous and disseminated AML xenografts as well as AML patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models.
BAY-2402234; BAY 2402234; BAY2402234; Orludodstat; Orludodstatum
Canonical SMILES
InChI Key
Soluble in DMSO
Solid powder
Shelf Life
>3 years if stored properly
Dry, dark and at 0-4 °C for short term (days to weeks) or -20 °C for long term (months to years).
Biological Target
BAY-2402234 is a dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHODH) inhibitor with an IC50 of 1.2 nM.
Drug Formulation
This drug may be formulated in DMSO
Elemental Analysis
C, 48.43; H, 3.48; Cl, 6.81; F, 18.24; N, 10.76; O, 12.29
Exact Mass
HS Tariff Code
In Vitro Activity
To investigate the effect of BAY 2402234 on AML (acute myeloid leukemia) cell differentiation, the ability of the drug to upregulate the differentiation marker CD11b was assessed in MOLM-13 and HEL cells. In both cell lines, dose-dependent upregulation of CD11b was observed after BAY 2402234 treatment (Fig. 2a, b, Supplementary Fig. 1a), with EC50s of 3.16 nM in MOLM-13 cells and 0.96 nM in HEL cells (Supplementary Table 3). Whether BAY 2402234 induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in AML cells was also evaluated. Treatment with the inhibitor dose-dependently slowed cell doubling (Fig. 2e), induced G2-M cell cycle arrest (Fig. 2f) and induced apoptosis (Fig. 2g) of the cells in a dose- and time-dependent manner.
Reference: Leukemia. 2019 Oct;33(10):2403-2415.
In Vivo Activity
The anti-tumor activity of BAY 2402234 was evaluated in three systemic AML xenograft models transplanted by tail vein injection. In HL-60 xenografts, treatment with BAY 2402234 nearly doubled the median survival of mice from 13 to 25 days and showed improved efficacy compared to treatment with cytarabine (Fig. 3f). In MV4-11 xenografts, 70% of mice treated with BAY 2402234 were still alive at the study-endpoint (day 46 of treatment) whereas all of the vehicle-treated mice died by day 28 (Fig. 3g). In a disseminated MOLM-13 xenograft model, tumor burden in the peripheral blood, bone marrow and spleens of control and BAY 2402234-treated mice was analyzed after 8 days of treatment. At that time point, over 40% of the peripheral blood cells in the control mice were human HLA-ABC-positive leukemia cells whereas human leukemia cells represented about 4% of circulating cells in the BAY 2402234 treated mice (Supplementary Fig. 4a).
Reference: Leukemia. 2019 Oct;33(10):2403-2415.
Shipped under ambient temperature as non-hazardous chemical. This product is stable enough for a few weeks during ordinary shipping and time spent in Customs.
Stock Solution Storage
0-4 °C for short term (days to weeks), or -20 °C for long term (months).
Alfa Chemistry

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