
Arsenic(V) oxide hydrate

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Arsenic(V) oxide hydrate;Arsenic pentoxide hydrate;12044-50-7;As2O5.H₂O;Arsenic(V) oxide hydrate, 97%;XSIWZGKXZLITBO-UHFFFAOYSA-N;5485AF;Arsenic(V) oxide hydrate, >=99.99%;
Canonical SMILES
InChI Key
Covalently-Bonded Unit Count
Exact Mass
H-Bond Acceptor
H-Bond Donor
Heavy Atom Count
Monoisotopic Mass
Topological Polar Surface Area

Study of the Ternary System of Arsenic Pentoxide-Ferric Sulfate-Water

Taboada M E, et al. Fluid phase equilibria, 2008, 265(1-2), 209-214.

The balance of arsenic + iron species in aqueous solutions is important for water management in the mining and metallurgical industries. This work investigates the equilibrium and physical properties of a ternary system of saturated ferric sulfate-arsenic oxide-water solutions to determine the feasibility of the precipitated Fe(H2AsO4)3·5H2O (kaatialaite) salt as a stable waste treatment alternative. Specifically, the solubility, density and refractive index of saturated ferric sulfate-arsenic pentoxide-water solution with different mass fractions of arsenic and iron were measured at 323.15 and 343.15 K, and the phase diagram was determined and its region defined.
Solid-liquid equilibrium of ternary systems
· The double saturation points can be determined by fitting the liquidus curves of two crystallization fields.
· Fe(H2AsO4)·5H2O was found to be the most prevalent precipitated salt at both temperatures.
· The experimental values of density and refractive index versus mass fractions of ferric and arsenic exhibited a good overall fit.
· At 323.15 K, a line extending from a mass fraction range of 0 to 0.2 separates the liquid-solid region into two zones: (L + I and L + II).
· Zone I is saturated in (H5O2)Fe(SO4)2·2H2O, while Zone II is saturated in Fe(H2AsO4)3·5H2O.
· At 343.15 K, a line separates the liquid-solid region into three zones: L + I, L + Fe2(AsO4)(SO4)(OH)·5H2O (III), and L + II.
· The solubility of the salt kaatialaite in water suggests it may not be a suitable option for arsenic disposal.

Hydrothermal and Ionothermal Synthesis of Arsenates in CdO-MO-As2O5 System

Đorđević T, et al. European Journal of Mineralogy, 2017, 29(1), 73-89.

This work investigated mineral-related arsenates in the CdO-MO-As2O5-H2O (M2+=Co, Ni, Cu, Zn) system and achieved the synthesis of four arsenates by hydrothermal and ionothermal methods, respectively.
Synthesis of arsenates
· The four arsenates were synthesized using a hydrothermal method in Teflon-lined stainless steel autoclaves. The initial mixtures were prepared and closed in the autoclaves with distilled water, filling up to 80% of the volume. The pH of the starting solutions was maintained at 3 for all mixtures.
· For Cd4.65 Ni0.35(AsO4)2(HAsO4)2·4H2O (1), a mixture of CdO, Ni(OH)2, As2O5 in a 2:2:1 molar ratio in water was used. A specific three-step heating process (20 to 120 °C for 4h, held at 120 °C for 72 h, cooled to RT. within 99 h) was followed.
· For Cd0.75Co2.75(H0.5AsO4)2 (HAsO4) (2), a mixture of Cd(OH)2, Co(OH)2, As2O5 in a 1:3:1 molar ratio in either water or a water-emimBr ionic liquid mixture was used, with a similar three-step heating process (20 to 220°C for 4h, held at 220°C for 72 h, cooled to RT. within 72h).
· For Cd1.25Zn0.75(HAsO4)2·2H2O (3), a mixture of Cd(OH)2, ZnO·2CO3·4H2O, As2O5 in a 2:1:1 molar ratio was used. A specific three-step heating process (20 to 220°C for 4h, held at 220°C for 60h, cooled to RT. within 4h) was followed.
· For Zn9(AsO4)6·4H2O (4), a mixture of CdO, Zn(NO3)2·6H2O, As2O5 in a 2:2:1 molar ratio was mixed with molten emimBr, and a three-step heating process (20 to 160°C for 4h, held at 160°C for 72h, cooled to RT. within 99h) was used for crystallization.

March 7, 2023

A glass decoloring agent
Arsenic(V) oxide hydrate is often used as clarifying agent and decoloring agent in glass industry, which can enhance the transparency of glass products.

What is the application field of Arsenic(V) oxide hydrate?

Arsenic(V) oxide hydrate can be used to prepare arsenate and pharmacy, and can also be used as pesticide.

What is the density of Arsenic(V) oxide hydrate?

The density of Arsenic(V) oxide hydrate is 4.32 g/mL at 25℃。

What is the appearance of Arsenic(V) oxide hydrate?

Arsenic(V) oxide hydrate is powder.

What are the storage conditions of Arsenic(V) oxide hydrate?

Arsenic(V) oxide hydrate avoid contact with strong acids and oxidants, and store in a dry and cool environment.

What is the environmental protection of Arsenic(V) oxide hydrate?

Arsenic(V) oxide hydrate is harmful to the environment and cannot be dumped into water at will.

What is the EC number of Arsenic(V) oxide hydrate?

The EC number of Arsenic(V) oxide hydrate is 215-116-9.

What is the density of Arsenic(V) oxide hydrate?

The density of Arsenic(V) oxide hydrate is 4.32 g/ml.

What is the molecular formula of Arsenic(V) oxide hydrate?

The molecular formula of Arsenic(V) oxide hydrate is As2H2O6.

What are the physicochemical properties of Arsenic(V) oxide hydrate?

Arsenic(V) oxide hydrate is white powder or crystal, slightly soluble in water, easily soluble in ethanol, acids and alkalis.

What is the preparation method of Arsenic(V) oxide hydrate?

Arsenic(V) oxide hydrate can be prepared by oxidation roasting and ore recovery.

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