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Manufacture of sulfur, sulfuric acid and sulfur dioxide, ferrous sulfate, cheap jewelry, recovery of metals.

Evaluation of the Role of Pyrite in Coal Dust Reactivity

Cohn C A, et al. Particle and Fibre Toxicology, 2006, 3, 1-10.

Pyrite (FeS2) is a common inorganic component in coal and has been shown to spontaneously generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) (i.e., hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radicals) and degrade nucleic acids. Therefore, this work evaluated the role of pyrite in coal dust reactivity and compared the differences in ROS generation and RNA degradation in coal samples containing different amounts of FeS2.
Mechanism of action of pyrite and results
· There are two possible mechanisms for the generation of H2O2 and ·OH from pyrite-containing coal, one is through the reaction of oxygen with ferrous iron on the surface of pyrite, and the other is through the reaction of aqueous ferrous iron produced by pyrite oxidation with dissolved oxygen to form hydrogen peroxide and then hydroxyl radicals.
· The results show that FeS2 is also present in iron-containing coal, generating ROS and degrading RNA. Coal samples without pyrite neither generated ROS nor degraded RNA. The higher the FeS2 content in the coal, the higher the concentration of ROS generated and the RNA degradation rate.

Study of the Oxidation Mechanism of Pyrite

Chandra A P, et al. Surface Science Reports, 2010, 65(9), 293-315.

Pyrite (FeS2, iron disulfide) is the most abundant sulfide mineral on Earth. Oxidation can render the pyrite surface hydrophobic or hydrophilic, which affects the interaction with collectors during flotation. The oxidation mechanisms of pyrite under atmospheric and aqueous conditions are discussed below:
· Atmospheric oxidation of pyrite is exo-sphere sulfur oxidation via a film of H2O adsorbed from the atmosphere. The mechanism suggests that polysulfide formation occurs separately from sulfate formation and that polysulfides are not intermediates in sulfate formation.
· Aqueous oxidation of pyrite may involve chemical, electrochemical, or bacterially catalyzed pathways. Aqueous oxidation of pyrite is often described by the overall stoichiometric chemical reaction shown in the figure to the right. In addition, recent studies have shown that the governing mechanism of pyrite oxidation follows an electrochemical process rather than a purely chemical reaction.
· The electrochemical mechanism: It begins with cathodic reduction, followed by electron transfer from the anode, and concludes with anodic oxidation. These steps involve the attachment of a single oxidant (either O2 or Fe3+) and the oxidation of a single sulfur atom. Due to the complexity of pyrite oxidation, multiple processes of this nature occur simultaneously. The cathodic and anodic sites may be located on the same surface of the pyrite or on different surfaces.

What is the molecular formula of pyrite?

The molecular formula of pyrite is FeS2.

What are some synonyms for pyrite?

Some synonyms for pyrite are iron disulfide and iron sulfide.

What is the molecular weight of pyrite?

The molecular weight of pyrite is 119.98 g/mol.

How is the IUPAC name of pyrite computed?

The IUPAC name of pyrite is computed as bis(sulfanylidene)iron.

What is the InChI of pyrite?

The InChI of pyrite is InChI=1S/Fe.2S.

What is the InChIKey of pyrite?


What is the canonical SMILES of pyrite?

The canonical SMILES of pyrite is S=[Fe]=S.

What are the CAS numbers of pyrite?

The CAS numbers of pyrite are 12068-85-8 and 1309-36-0.

What is the hydrogen bond donor count of pyrite?

The hydrogen bond donor count of pyrite is 0.

Is pyrite soluble in water?

No, pyrite is insoluble in water.

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