
Aluminum Chlorohydrate

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Basic aluminum (metal) salt consisting of aluminum, chloride and water.
Aluminum chloride hydroxide
Boiling Point
100ºC at 760 mmHg
Soluble in water or alcohol
Off-white powder, no odor
Antiperspirant & deodorant products as sticks, roll-ons, aerosols, creams, gels, sprays.
Store in a closed container at a dry place at room temperature
Aluminum chlorohydrate
Exact Mass
Features And Benefits
Most widely used, very effective antiperspirant (reduces secretion of sweat) and deodorant (reduces bad odor by inhibiting bacterial growth)Very low irritant potency
HS Code

Aluminum Chlorohydrate as Coagulant for Removal of Total Organic Carbon and Pharmaceuticals

Kuc, Joanna, et al. Molecules, 2022, 27(17), 5740.

Chemical coagulation is one of the methods used to remove organic contaminants, such as pharmaceuticals, from water. Aluminum chlorohydrate (ACH) has many advantages as an inorganic coagulant, such as wide application and low cost. In addition to being used to coagulate river water and textile wastewater, aluminum chlorohydrate has also been explored for coagulation to remove erythromycin (ERY), fluoxetine (FLX), amoxicillin (AMO), colistin (COL), ethinyl estradiol (EE), and diclofenac (DIC).
The coagulation effect of aluminum chlorohydrate
· The use of aluminum chloride hydrate in drug coagulation significantly reduced the concentration of total organic carbon (TOC), ERY, FLX, AMO, COL, EE, and DIC by 88.7%, 36.4%, 24.7%, 29.0%, 25.5%, 35.4%, and 30.4% respectively, in ideal conditions for coagulation of contaminated surface water.
· Furthermore, the turbidity, color, TSS, Total N, and N-NH4 were decreased by 96.2%, more than 98.0%, 97.8%, 70.0%, 88.7%, and 37.5% respectively.

Effects of Aluminum Chlorohydrate on Estrogen Signaling in Breast Cancer Cells

Gorgogietas, Vyron A., et al. Journal of molecular biochemistry, 2018, 7(1), 1-3.

Aluminum chlorohydrate (ACH) is an active antiperspirant widely used in cosmetics and is often applied to the underarms, which exposes the area close to the human breast to high and sustained exposure to aluminum. The mechanism of action of aluminum chlorohydrate as a metallic estrogen and its potential impact in the development of estrogen receptor-associated breast cancer were investigated.
Interference mechanism of aluminum chlorohydrate
· Aluminum chlorohydrate induces a significant increase in estrogen receptor protein levels by interfering with estrogen receptor gene expression or estrogen receptor protein stability.
· Influence estrogen receptor-mediated gene expression, including p53, cyclin D1, and c-fos genes, through direct or indirect estrogen receptor DNA binding.
· Aluminum chlorohydrate may affect the physiology and function of mitochondria by inducing the perinuclear localization of estrogen receptors, thereby providing necessary energy production and supply of precursor molecules to cancer cells.

Aluminum Chloride Hydroxide Used to Prepare Low-Cost Alumina Nanofibers

Milanović, Predrag, et al. Ceramics International, 2013, 39(2), 2131-2134.

Aluminum chloride hydroxide/polyvinyl alcohol/water precursors were used to prepare nanoalumina fibers using electrospinning technology. The fibers can be used as reinforcement materials for various high-performance composite materials.
Preparation procedures of alumina nanofibers
· Alumina nanofibers were prepared by first preparing a 10% mass aqueous solution of polymer, to which aluminum chloride hydroxide was added in a 5:1 mass ratio. The solution was then stirred for 1 hour at 30°C until air bubbles disappeared after 24 hours. The solution was then used within 2-3 days of preparation.
· The solution was loaded into a 20 ml plastic syringe with a 0.8 mm needle orifice, and fed into an Electrospinner CH-01 apparatus at a mass flow rate of 1 ml/h. A high-voltage supply capable of producing 30 kV was applied, with voltage varying from 20 kV to 28 kV and mass flow from 0.5 to 3 ml/h.
· The stable process was achieved at 28 kV and 0.5 ml/h flow rate. The electrospinning process was conducted in air at an ambient temperature of 21°C and relative humidity of 40-60%. A fixed distance of 15 cm between the needle and collector was maintained, with aluminum foil and filter paper used for fiber collection. The collected fibers were then heat treated at 1100°C for 1 hour in air to obtain alumina nanofibers.

Comparison of the Effectiveness of Aluminum Chlorohydrate as a Chemical Flocculant in Wastewater Treatment

Khaya Pearlman Shabangu, et al. Water, 2022, 14(16), 2495.

This work evaluated the effectiveness of two chemical flocculants including aluminum chlorohydrate and polyamine in removing the content of bulk inert pollutants such as particulate chemical oxygen demand (COD) and turbidity in wastewater treatment.
Evaluation methods and results
· The goal of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of using alum-chlorohydrate (1%) compared to polyamine (1%) chemical coagulants in a lab-scale flocculator or jar test method for treating brewery wastewater. The objective was to achieve zero liquid effluent discharge by removing turbidity and particulate COD (inert or non-biodegradable COD). Specifically, the study aimed to analyze the impact of combining aluminium chlorohydrate 1% with polyamine 1% to create PAC.
· The findings indicated that utilizing various dosages of polyamine along with 50% aluminium chlorohydrate as combined coagulants led to enhanced removal efficiencies of particulate chemical oxygen demand, color, and turbidity. When using the combination treatment of polyamine-aluminium chlorohydrate (PAC), a turbidity removal efficiency of 90.50% and particulate chemical oxygen demand removal of 59.36% were achieved. This was compared to using polyamine alone, which resulted in a particulate chemical oxygen demand removal of 50% and turbidity removal of 75%. Similarly, the use of aluminium chlorohydrate alone showed removal efficiencies of 37% for particulate chemical oxygen demand and 54% for turbidity.

Effectiveness of Aluminum Chlorohydrate (ACH) for Decolorization of Silk Dye Bath Wastewater

Sludge production at optimized conditions for various coagulants. Verma, Akshaya K., Puspendu Bhunia, and Rajesh R. Dash. Industrial & engineering chemistry research 51.25 (2012): 8646-8651.

Analytical grade magnesium chloride (MCl) was used as a coagulant aid, along with technical grade polyaluminum chloride (PACl) and aluminum chlorohydrate (ACH) as coagulants. At a very high dosage of 1800 mg/L, a decolorization efficiency of up to 97% was observed for MCl. However, considering the purity, dosage, decolorization efficiency, and the quantity and quality of sludge produced, ACH was found to be the best coagulant, achieving a decolorization efficiency of 91% at a dosage of only 100 mg·L. The dosage of PACl was about 50% higher than that of ACH in terms of decolorization efficiency. ACH achieved effective decolorization (>90%) at a very low dosage (100 mg/L) and minimal sludge production, indicating that ACH is an effective coagulant for decolorization of silk dye bath wastewater.
When PACl (100 mg·L) or ACH (50 mg·L) was used as coagulant, the efficiency was observed during the pH change. However, when MCl (800 mg·L) was used as coagulant, the treatment efficiency continued to increase as the pH value increased from 4.0 to 12.0. A slight decrease in decolorization and COD reduction was observed above pH 12. In the alkaline region, the optimal pH value for MCl was as high as 12.0, while for PACl and ACH, the optimal values were 6 and 4, respectively. The increase in coagulation efficiency with increasing pH was attributed to the fact that metal ions can be easily hydrolyzed under alkaline conditions and form appreciable hydroxides. The structure of the appreciable hydroxides provides a large surface area and positive surface charge to remove colloidal impurities through adsorption and charge neutralization. However, aluminum-based coagulants usually form Al(OH), Al(OH) and Al(OH) as well as the main polymer Al, which hydrolyzes under pH conditions in the acidic range (pH < 6) to remove dyes through adsorption and charge neutralization mechanisms. Around neutral pH values (pH 6-8), aluminum ions have limited solubility due to the precipitation of soluble hydroxides, resulting in the possibility of sweep flocculation. Therefore, at pH 6-8, the use of aluminum salts can effectively remove impurities by embedding them into the growing precipitate. The low optimal pH conditions of PACl and ACH can be attributed to these mechanisms. Therefore, it can be said that the main removal mechanism of ACH is adsorption and charge neutralization, while the main removal mechanism of PACl is sweep flocculation.

Effect of antiperspirant aluminum chlorohydrate on antibiotic resistance

Phenotypic antibiotic resistance development of susceptible test bacteria on the 10th and 30th days of the exposure.Aluminum chlorohydrate (300 mg/L) exposure. Aras, Ayse, et al. Microorganisms 11.4 (2023): 948.

Isolates were exposed to aluminum chlorohydrate for 30 days. Bacteria resistant to oxacillin and ciprofloxacin were isolated and the expression levels of some antibiotic resistance genes were determined using quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values of bacteria were determined by microdilution method before and after exposure. An increase in the number of bacteria developing resistance and increasing MIC values over time was observed. In line with the ciprofloxacin resistance observed after exposure, an increase in the expression of the norA, norB/C, gyrA, gyrB, parC, and parE genes was observed. Oxacillin resistance was observed in all test bacteria in the groups subcultured in medium only, except for aluminum chlorohydrate exposure, indicating that phenotypic resistance cannot be associated with chemical exposure based on these data. Increased expression of the mecA gene in selected test bacteria that acquired resistance after exposure to oxacillin compared to the control group suggests that the resistance observed may be associated with aluminum chloride exposure.
40 μL of the test bacterial suspension was added to 3.96 mL of LB containing aluminum chloride hydrate (300 mg/L). After incubation at 37°C for 18-24 hours, 40 μL of the test bacterial culture was transferred to fresh LB containing the above concentration of aluminum chloride and incubated again. This subculture process was repeated for 30 consecutive days. On the 10th and 30th day of this process, 100 μL of the exposed test bacterial sample was plated on MHA plates containing 0.5 μg/mL oxacillin and 4 μg/mL ciprofloxacin. After incubation at 37°C for 24 hours, the colonies formed on the MHA plates containing the test antibiotics were found to be resistant. The plate without aluminum chloride was used as a control group.

August 05, 2023

A flocculant
The water quality treated by aluminum chlorohydrate can reach a higher standard.

July 07, 2024

Impressive Results with Aluminum Chlorohydrate Image Receiving Layer
I recently tried out a paper prototype with an image receiving layer made with Aluminum Chlorohydrate (ACH) and I must say, I was blown away by the results. The transparency of the paper was top-notch, and the image quality was exceptional. The ACH really made a difference in ensuring the inkjet ink was received effectively, resulting in sharp and vibrant images. The process of preparing the silica dispersion with ACH was straightforward and the end result was definitely worth the effort.

July 22, 2024

Effective Coagulant for Clear Water
I recently purchased Aluminum Chlorohydrate for water treatment purposes and I am extremely satisfied with the results. After using it in my water treatment process, I noticed a significant improvement in water clarity.

What is aluminum chlorohydrate?

Aluminum chlorohydrate is a solid substance that is commonly used in personal cleanliness products such as antiperspirants and deodorants.

How does aluminum chlorohydrate function as an antiperspirant agent?

Aluminum chlorohydrate temporarily blocks sweat glands, reducing perspiration and odor. It forms a gel-like plug in the sweat ducts, preventing sweat from reaching the skin's surface.

What is the chemical formula of aluminum chlorohydrate?

The chemical formula of aluminum chlorohydrate is Al2ClH9O7.

Why is aluminum chlorohydrate used in cosmetics?

Aluminum chlorohydrate is used in cosmetics, particularly antiperspirants and deodorants, to reduce the production of perspiration, eliminate unpleasant odor, and protect against the formation of odors on the skin.

Has the safety of aluminum chlorohydrate been reviewed by regulatory bodies?

Yes, the Food and Drug Administration has reviewed the safety of aluminum chlorohydrate complexes and approved their use in over-the-counter (OTC) antiperspirant drug products.

Can aluminum chlorohydrate be used in cosmetics and personal care products marketed in Europe?

Yes, under the general provisions of the cosmetics regulation of the European Union, aluminum chlorohydrate complexes may be used in cosmetics and personal care products.

What are some other uses of aluminum chlorohydrate?

Apart from its use in cosmetics, aluminum chlorohydrate is also used as a flocculant in water purification.

Is aluminum chlorohydrate safe for use in cosmetics and skincare products?

Aluminum chlorohydrate is considered safe for use in cosmetics and skincare products. However, individual sensitivities or allergies may occur, so patch testing is recommended, and users should discontinue use if any adverse reactions are experienced.

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